I’m sure people here or over on the 40k sub can be a little more helpful with entry suggestions. My first(and current) brush is a Badger Krome that was a gift. Just look for a compressor that has a tank so it’s not running the entire time.
I definitely recommend Badger brushes. They're great little workhorses and (at least in the US) parts are super easy to get if you need a new needle or something.
As has been stated already by others, the Patriot 105 is great for Priming, basing and broad highlights, but to start doing finer detail you'll want a finer needle brush.
If you're already set on buying something in that price range, may I suggest my personal favorite, the Badger Krome RK-1 it comes with two interchangeable tips and needles, a .3 for Priming, Basing, and broad highlights, and a .2 for finer detail.
FIRST, Read this guide (It should answer most questions)
Then, My intro recommendations: (I've included Amazon links, but you can likely find better prices elsewhere)
Badger Krome (a solid intro airbrush) https://www.amazon.com/Badger-Air-Brush-RK-1-Additional-Regulator/dp/B0078MEXX8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1494523163&sr=8-1&keywords=badger+krome
Compressor (make sure it has a moisture trap and hose or purchase these seperately)
Respirator (a must have for safety):
Cleaning pot (pipe cleaners optional)
Other things you will probably want
I know this sounds like a backhanded compliment but this is very good for someone just learning to paint and for an OSL scheme.
You won't be able to paint like Sorasto unless you have his quality of tools, unfortunately. Spray cans will completely mess up a project because there's just too much and too thick of paint for such small details - you will really need an airbrush to achieve the look you want.
The change in the quality of my minituatures was night and day after I picked up a Badger airbrush, a compressor with a tank, some Vallejo paints, and some Games & Gears kolinsky sable brushes.
Good equipment can do a lot to bridge skill gaps.
Anyway, I've been painting for years and I'm not even ambitious enough to try Sorasto's OSL scheme for the survivors, so good on you for doing it.
Brushes: http://www.gamesandgears.co.uk/MK3AdvanceKolinskySeries.aspx
Airbrush: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0078MEXX8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Compressor: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0038D38AA/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Badger Air-Brush Company RK-1 Krome Airbrush 2-in-1 Ultra Fine Airbrush with Additional Fine Tip, Spray Regulator and Needle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0078MEXX8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_yJz7ybF57XSBB