I actually recommend using 8oz wide mouthed Ball Mason Jars instead. There’s a lot that you can screw on and you won’t need a weight.
Ball (2 Packs) Mason Wide Mouth Half Pint Jars-8oz-4 Per Box-Total 8, 8 oz Jars, GREEN https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T8GCOEM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4X5E41C48Z4T2WDMG2CS
I like to use the wide mouth half pint (8oz) jars. Easy to fill/scoop from and are perfect size for filling with a 50g tin:
No need to boil, just make sure you screw them really tight and that there are no tobacco pieces between the ring and the lip of the jar.
Use the nail to empty spent bowls and the mason jar will catch the ashes. This debowler also functions as an ash tray and features a place to park a joint.
Details of the nail dimensions
Use the end of the nail to empty spent bowls and the mason jar will catch the ashes. This debowler also functions as an ash tray and features a place to park a joint.
Details on the nail dimensions
They are the Wide mouth half-pint 8oz. Got tons of bernardin but I would really like theses wide-mouth ball looking ones.
Yeah, I could import them to canada.
Otherwise locally I can get ones like theses but they have nowhere near the charm when its time to impress with an expensive desserts like this.