>I personally wouldn't deep condition and then put no other styling product on my hair and expect it to look good.
You might be right. Still new to this so going with what I have on hand. I bought this recently:
Should I incorporate it into the routine when it's still wet?
I'm almost always outside in the sun and humidity so it helps (a bit) to control it. If I'm inside my hair's pretty manageable, and if it isn't I can just wet it. It does dry my hair a tad much but it's better than crazy strands without shape running all over, or so I think
>From your other comments I can't tell if you're using products with oils in them or using pure oils. Big difference.
Both really. For example today I didn't deep condition, just condition the ends, some argan oil and coconut oil then dry a bit. It's..ok I guess, but I'm staying in all day so it's good enough, and I can experiment at the same time