So the fact that you already have an interest in the topic is going to help you out a lot!
As you will learn intrinsic motivation thrives over extrinsic!
I think that starting with AP Psychology as your first AP class is a smart move. I'm sure you have heard that AP psych is one of the easier AP classes, which is true, but it is still an AP class so be prepared for the amount of time you have to put into it (which I am sure you have).
The class is very term heavy so you will be having a lot of vocab coming your way. If you are good at remembering then you will do good with psych. You do get to learn a lot of cool stuff!
On the resource end of things, I always recommend to my students the Barron's review book and note cards.
If you are not looking to spend money, here is the review guide I made for my students, which follows these review videos.
Good luck with the course and if you ever have any questions feel free to PM or ask on the weekly thread!