I just bought one of these that comes today, it's supposed to be really good (I bought it for $160 from LI Wood Working Supply with a case and 2 extra tips but idk if they ship to CA).
I have the Walnut Hallow Versa and tried the wire tip Creative and hated it, it doesn't get hot enough.
I just upgraded to a Colwood Detailer (from the same walnut hollow tool you have) and I really love it so far!! It was about $150 on amazon, including shipping, 3 tips, and a pretty cool workbook. Amazon link
Detailer Basic Woodburning Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003J866R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CTB5KAWEXRK56WN4JVKS This the one i have
Here's a Colwood Detailer kit over on Amazon. A great kit. Or for just a little more than your budget, you can pick up the Colwood Super Pro, A dual pen system.
I've used the Detailer for years and love it, but if I'd had the money at the time, I'd have bought the Super Pro.