You need a charge controller box (you may be able to work without one?) then connect it to a car battery to store the power. Once the power is stored use a power inverter box and you’re good to go.
Battery Tender 5-45W Automatic Solar Controller
POTEK 500W Power Inverter/Car Inverter DC 12V to AC 110V Dual AC Charging Port and 2A USB Ports for Laptop, Smart Phone
I have not done the research to see if those work together just wanted to show the additional equipment needed.
You want to connect the solar panels to the solar controller then the controller to the battery. The battery then connects to the inverter which can then be used to power what ever you like. As for doing a whole building my knowledge on solar doesn’t expand that far.
Just spend the 20 bucks and do it correctly.
Battery Tender 021-1162 Solar Panel Charger Controller