I didn’t used the factory aux plug. I have the leads for a battery tender connected to my battery with the connector in the tail compartment. I used the battery tender USB adapter Battery Tender USB Charger Adaptor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_XcTuFbMX2YYWP and a 6 foot iPhone cable that I ran up the frame to the handlebars. This way I can disconnect the charger and leave it in the tail when I don’t ride for a week or more. Also have quick access at the tail to connect a trickle charger if needed
I know it's not exactly what you are asking for, but I have a charging pigtail for my bike and recently found this USB adapter, and have been very happy with it. It has a rubber flap to protect the usb side. I'd say it's probably light -medium rain proof when it is not in use. Of course with the USB cable in place, it is open and exposed.
if you get a battery tender they make an adaptor for the tails that let's you hook up usb. Something like this
Battery tender makes a quick disconnect usb charger that uses the same leads that bolts on to the battery. So you are able to have your tender on then when you go riding you can connect the usb charger.
I use this:
Battery Tender Quick Disconnect USB Charger Adaptor - Charge Mobile Devices with 12V Vehicle Battery on The Go - 081-0158 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_H5AWTNHZSSCACZPCG64J
Basically if you have a battery tender quick connect adapter on your battery terminal, you can plug that into the quick connect.
I have a 2000 Wide Glide. Purchased the USB Adapter and connect it to the quick connect on the bike, plug a USB cable in and run it up to my phone on a QuadLock with vibration dampener on my handlebars.
At some point I'll run a cable under the tank but this works for now.
To add to the Garmin comments, I have decided to switch to a gps instead of my phone simply because I have many times found myself in an area of poor cell reception-and no cell means no GPS. This is especially irritating when I have GPS'd my way TO that spot, and now can't hit the cell tower to put in a new destination.
Anyways after much consternation I finally bought the super expensive Zumo 595LM. In this day and age it REALLY hurt my feelings to drop that kind of cash on a gps when Google Maps works so great AND has live traffic. But anyways, its hard wired to the bike and has a bonus USB plug all its own. So now I can run the GPS all day long AND leave my phone plugged in through the Garmin cord so I can run Waze. Good stuff.
A much cheaper solution (and what I have been doing up until then) is to drop 10 bucks on Amazon for a trickler charger to USB plug, THIS ONE. Pro tip, I buy a usb cord (or lightning cord for a fruit phone) and electrical tape it to this plug so the connection is nice and tight. In the past I've had the cord jiggle which was really irritating having my phone wake up and go to sleep, wake up and go to sleep. Also it eventually burned out my Amazon plug. So get a nice charging cord and dedicate it to the bike. Never a problem since. Just toss that cord/plug combo in your saddlebag with your RAM mount when not in use.
Battery Tender 081-0158 Quick Disconnect Plug with USB Charger Perfect for Charging Your iPhone, iPad, iPod, GPS, Camera or Any Smartphone or Device That be Charged via USB, One Size, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UZJDDbG47EERC
I have a Ram Mount gas tank mount for mounting and then one of these with a USB cable wired to it. Pair that with a 128GB SD card and you have 8 solid hours of dash cam footage with a GoPro
I'm a big fan of the Battery Tender Jr. combo with the USB adapter. Let me get some links.
You can see the Tender itself in the recommended stuff at the bottom. I just pop the USB off when I park in the garage, and connect the Tender to the same plug. Hits a lot of birds with 1 stone.
I realized I haven't even had my Tronsmart charger 6 months. Bought in mid-November, went bad about a month ago, so 4 months of service. Sheesh. I've emailed the company about a warranty replacement.
Meanwhile, I'm seriously considering the Battery Tender-brand USB port. As sold on Amazon:
I could plug that into my existing battery tender port, and run a USB A-to-C cable up to the front.
Not the most elegant solution, but should work. Takes one more point of failure out of the chain. I won't get the full 3.0A for USB C rapid charging, but a reduced charging rate is better than none.
You didn't really give any useful information. This looks like the Battery Tender USB charger, available here for about $11
But you don't tell us that, and then you get upset about people pointing out the low quality of your contribution.
I charge my Hero4 using a skeleton case and this adaptor. Works perfectly.
I bought a USB charger that plugs into my battery tender connector. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_awdm_nZDqvb05BYHYR
Then I just bought a cable long enough to snake from under my seat up to the handlebars. Seems to work so far.
For music I tore apart a cheap pair of JVC headphones and velcro'd the speakers in the ear-indentations in my helmet. Bought a cheap Bluetooth receiver of amazon too (can't find a link to the exact one) and velcro'd that to the outside of the helmet where a Sena would mount. Not loud enough though, I'm looking into better speakers (headphones?) or a Sena too.
Actually yes, I am still considering auxiliary lights instead of a headlight modulator. I'm still on the fence about it. The ones you linked me to flicker, so I don't see too much of a difference between them and headlight modulators, but I may just go with auxiliary lights on the front that stay solid (no flickering). I just need to find some well priced and well rated ones.
Sounds like I'll be going with splicing. Installing all that other stuff sounds unnecessary for my needs (but thank you for the knowledge!).
Here's where I'm getting a bit more confused. I was under the impression that a battery tender is only used for a bike that is stored away and not being ridden frequently. Is that not the case? Would I need a battery tender otherwise? The plug is indeed outdated, but is compatible with connectors like this, so it may still be a good option.
Perfect, sounds like a relay is absolutely needed for what I want.
Heated grips may be an investment I make next winter. What would I need at that point, to prevent battery drain?
Thanks, dude. You've been a big help. I have a much better idea of what I need now.
SAE connector. I use it to charge my bike or to charge my external battery so I can then charge my other, more expensive, devices.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ddcYFb6BW9E3Y?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 buy one of these bad boys for long trips
Battery Tender Quick Disconnect USB Charger Adaptor - Charge Mobile Devices with 12V Vehicle Battery on The Go - 081-0158 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RSE7Z4MDEPTVV3PHHE03?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you have an SAE battery tender connection already, plug this into it and then just plug your USB phone cord directly into it and it’ll work just fine.
Battery Tender 081-0158 Black Quick Disconnect Plug with USB Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_8MdhruictaO6p
I got one of these so I can plug in my phone. Battery Tender 081-0158 Black Quick Disconnect Plug with USB Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_X2xR4rjkXp6oe
Are use this, it works perfect. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
I’d get a battery tender with a quick disconnect pigtail, it’s one of the items everyone should have. And this will do what you want. Battery Tender USB Charger Adaptor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_O1leFbN8DRP48
Battery Tender 081-0158 Quick Disconnect Plug with USB Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_kzDyDbXS7VM19
Edit: I have this too Battery Tender 12 Volt Junior Automatic Battery Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CITK8S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_QADyDb3Z3PC8N
It comes with the quick connect harness to put on the battery terminals and I zip tied a USB cord under the seat and it comes up from the front of the seat to my phone mount.
I use this with an extension cable running to the rear storage compartment to charge my phone: https://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-081-0158-Disconnect-Smartphone/dp/B00DJ5KEF4.
Yo dawg, I heard you need a charger for your charger.
So here's a USB port to charge your charger, using your battery trickle charger quick disconnect.
A charger for your charger using your charger connector, dawg.
I'd skip the solar charger and get a charger powered by the bike. If s/he already has a Battery Tender-type plug, you can get a USB charger for it pretty cheaply. If not, the wiring costs like $7 so get 'em both.
Battery Tender brand: https://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-081-0158-Disconnect-Smartphone/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/
Another option, can be mounted somewhere more convenient than wherever the plug is: https://www.amazon.com/MICTUNING-Adapter-Socket-Motorcycle-Tablet/dp/B01HEJVXUK
Battery Tender 081-0158 Black Quick Disconnect Plug with USB Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ5KEF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_vtUyzb2C91HVE
You can actually buy battery tender-to-USB connectors.
On Amazon here. I have one and I just run it to the space under the rear seat, where I charge spare phone batteries.
Sadly, I didn't take pictures during the installation, but I can at least give you the parts that I used! I used the USB Adapter from Deltran, and it works extremely well, as I've had no issues running my LG G3 with GPS on, and screen brightness maxed. The second thing I used is a Battery Tender Lead Now, to minimize the various connection points, you can look into getting a longer lead, something that's around 48 inches, like this lead here I have the end of my lead coming up from where the head-tube is, and I just leave it loose, using the cap to keep it roughly in place. Here is how I have mine setup.
I ran my cabling underneath the left hand fuel tank cover, and getting that cover off involves several steps, some of which are extremely fiddly to do. When I have time, I'll dig up the video that at least got me pointed in the right direction to figure out how to take things off.
I have one that I can plug into the little 2-prong bullet plug that may batter tender plugs into. only plug it in when I need it.
But if you want to use the one you have, you could wire it up to something like this.
Really, though, I don't think anybody is going to think to charge their iphone off your bike.
As others have said, they're mostly used for battery tenders. I connect mine to one of these suckers and have a cheap, no-skills-required USB port.