Yes they roll up great, I put mine on a $9 extension cord roller. Works great!
Bayco KW-110 Cord Storage Reel with Center Spin Handle, 100-Feet,Orange
I’ve been considering designing two pieces to make them proper cord winders. End result would be similar to the below, just smaller.. then maybe give them away? Idk..
Bayco KW-110 Cord Storage Reel with Center Spin Handle, 100-Feet,Orange
No one really uses reels. They're not quite as convenient as you would think, and yes, if you're not using the full length of cable, you're gonna spend a little bit of energy as heat in the run, that's usually negligible though. We usually don't use them because they don't hold up and like I said, aren't really convenient. Some of us do however use extension cord reels for storage. Like this:
As for the spec you're talking about, as per NEC (someone correct me if I'm wrong) those conductors have to be jacketed and rated for at least 300v no matter what. I think they're mixing up the intended use and the maximum rating by saying 125v.
Yea, I'd have to see that.
I don't want my antenna perm attached to the pole b/c the pole gets zip stripped to the roof rack of my wagon. :D
But I was thinking that these extension cord reels would do just fine for each leg and the feed. 3 reels.
The way I attach to my pole at the top is I put a pvc X on it, and I attached a short piece of pvc to the plastic plate where my feed line & legs come together. It just slips into the X on top of the pole.
many years ago we started putting our lights on electrical cord reels and it's made it so much easier..
here's a cheap one as an example:
I have one of these.
Christmas tree lights can fuck off and die
Deal link: Amazon
I don't think that you really need a spool to store that little amount of wire, but........ Odd thing is, this is the cheapest route to go and will hold whatever you want to throw on there. Or this one