He also had a multiple choice test in his book "Be Ready When the Shit Goes Down: Forrest Griffin's Guide to The Apocalypse" that basically asks (but in a much funnier way):
"Anderson Silva just knocked you out in front of an Arena full of people - do you:
a) Come back with a weapon, like a bazooka next time b) Run out of the octagon and arena like a crazy person" c) etc
Can't remember how it was all worded, bjt I remember losing my shit at the running thing, because that's what he did lol.
Edit: here it is - Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse https://www.amazon.com/dp/0061998265/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_YxKUCbB8A2P7Z
You should pick up Former UFC bad ass Forrest Griffin's book "Be ready when the shit goes down" I read it a couple years back and it's pretty god damn hilarious and pretty informative.
Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse https://www.amazon.com/dp/0061998265/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.fsgDbG2FKCQ0
Best I can do lol.