I make and construct wigs.
Here’s some YouTube videos to educate yourself describing the hair trade and the cost differences and construction.
Also, European/western hair is not suitable for African American hair textures in the same way Asian hair is due to its thickness and coarseness. Here are links to the type of hair the wig maker in the original video buys to make wigs
Beauhair Body Wave Bundles with Frontal Human Hair 8A Bundles with Lace Frontal (24 24 24+20, Natural Black) Brazilian Body Wave Hair Virgin Hair Ear to Ear 13x4 Frontal 3 Bundles With Frontal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KVMPSDR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_H4R0D01RD6WMRK9VJ53R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Notice this hair is already processed and ready for wig construction. The amount of money and resources it takes to process freshly donated hair is unrealistic unless you’re a celebrity wig maker (explained in one of the videos I sent). And even then only 20-50% of the hair from 1 donor can be savages for use. So most wig makers buy premade wefts and closures/frontals and construct them.
So what proof do YOU have to state that I have no proof or I don’t know what I’m talking about?