You're not responsible for buying them anything, and they certainly don't need to buy new stuff. Even IF you were responsible they would legally have a duty to mitigate damages and treating is almost always cheaper than throwing out and buying new.
They can launder all clothing like normal keeping it secluded in trash bags and it will kill them by the end of the dry cycle.
The objects like suitcase, pack and play. It simply gets wiped down with a product such as Eco Raider and let it sit for a while and then it can be wiped down, cleaned, and used again like normal. You ddont even need to use ecolab.
However, folks who are expecting you to replace luggage, are already being irrational and youre probably going to have bad luck explaining there is no reason to throw things out. Folks lose their mind when it comes to bedbugs a lot of the time and their expectations...well, they are not necessary and they wont like being told their feelings on what they want are unreasonable and won't be met.
Ive self dealt with 2 bed bug situations at my place in the last ten years.
Just to give an update, my room is under 24hr heat treatment. Not sure how effective it’ll be. I’d be using eco raider spray to be on safer side. Is this spray effective?