Limited-time deal: Bed Wedge Pillow - Memory Foam Top Adjustable 9&12 inch Folding Incline Cushion, for Legs and Back Support Pillow, Acid Reflux, Heartburn, Allergies, Snoring, Reading- Soft Washable Cover (Grey)
That thing. Makes certain positions a lot easier and more fun.
Dr. McGinn performed my BA and TS this past July. We stayed the requisite post-op in-area at the GAIA Guest House. IMO, the best dollar value. Here are some things I took w/me:
Post-op, supposed to sleep upright for 6-wks. I started practicing 2-wks before making the trip, then had no trouble sleeping in that position. Since your having vaginoplasty also, I’m not sure how sleeping in this position will go. I will share that other women staying at GAIA GH were sitting in a reclined position and were doing well. Follow Dr. McGinn’s post-op instructions!!!
<strong><em>Bed Wedge Pillow</em></strong>
This took the pressure off my knees while sleeping/sitting in bed.
<strong><em>Half Moon Semi Roll Pillow</em></strong>
<strong><em>Laptop Bed Tray Desk</em></strong>
These were easy to put on/take off. You are not going to be comfortable having to pull tops on over your head!
<strong><em>Women’s Button-down Pajama Sets</em></strong>
We Love GAIA GH, but being able to easily plug in all electronics is difficult, and depending on the room (we’ve stayed in three of the five rooms) electrical outlets are few and hard to reach.
<strong><em>10’ Power Strip Surge Protector</em></strong>
These were a lifesaver. You have to keep pressure on the implants to push them down. Dr. McGinn provides one (different brand) at your first post-op appointment. We traveled home immediately after the appointment and it worked “okay” but bc the side of the band against your skin is a soft, smooth material, it kept riding up. I bought three-pairs of these and they helped tremendously. When I sent the required progress photos, (was wearing one in one of the photos) Dr. McGinn specifically told me she approved of the band.
This was my choice of hard candy to sooth my throat, post-op: <strong><em>Honey Drops w/Lavender</em></strong>
Hope this helps. AMA❣️ I wish you all the best. Rest assured, you’ll be in good hands. 🤗s