Right on, that's such an important conversion technique, it's kind of how I look at all the faux meats and stuff too. Like a gateway drug to plant based goodness. I try to eat whole foods as much as possible but of course junk/comfort food is such an important part of food culture, and it's great to treat yourself now and again. I was interested by the vegan honey, it's cool you made your own but it reminded me of this product my gf's mom got her from a sprouts discount bin years ago called bee free honee, it's pretty good but I looked it up and looks like the company went out of business last year. BUT in my searching I found this and I have no idea of there's any relation brand-wise but it looks like they add actual pollen extract to it for the purported health benefits of honey. Pretty interesting, and maybe you have some boutique spice shops down there that carry pollen (there was one up here in Oakland I knew about years ago that had it). Anyway, enough rambling but good shit and keep it up brother! ✊