Should've told him to put it on the table in front of him and drink it from a straw. :)
Or buy a beer hat
Friend, there are better solutions that dont risk your laptop
Since I've got no hat but two coupons for WD-40, what about wearing this hat:
With a can of WD-40 on each side?
Paired with Uniqlo OCBD, Chinos, and CDB's.
Just build one of these into the PPE.
> I'd have to stop to drink.
Running something like this on your helmet
This is the local goto.
This headset is affordable and would be great to get you started. Don't listen to that guy. Wireless beer is best beer.
Don't they make a helmet for that? /s
[Problem solved.](
Here's how I did it.
Buy this -
Then buy this -
Use a utility knife to cut at the top of the cowboy hat and then put the black clips from the beer helmet in there. Secure with a glue gun. Let dry and you're free to embarrass your family.
In a blunder of archeology they basically said Vikings wore this:
There's always this option:
I'd like to see this for the potion drink-other.
Have fun and be safe!
Wow, where is all this bad advice coming from?
Look, here is the simple solution.
It's been done before in a more practical way. Look up "beer can hat".