Buy a book. Trust me. All of these websites are dogshit if you don't have any experience. Everyone always recommends them like they're the holy grail, but they're only actually any good to learn from if you already have experience. The "X for Dummies" books are actually really good. Java (Note: Java and JavaScript are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS) is a really good place to start, so is C or C++
Anyways, if you really want to learn then here's your call to action. Buy this book and do all the exercises as you read it, and you <strong>WILL</strong> be able to program by the end.
The trailheads are rubbish for people wanting to get into programming. I guess its not for people like us. They expect you to understand programming fundamentals well.
If you find a book please DM me!
As for my two cents on this and things I have gone through: -
What I want to start reading (hopefully next quarter) -
And book.