Well if you like Warren Buffett, then there's a podcast on iTunes that has all the shareholder meetings. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/berkshire-hathaway-annual-shareholder-meetings-since/id1445276006
I'd pay special attention to the bonus episode by Charlie Munger about Misjudgment.
Then if youre looking for things to read by Buffett, there's only two options: shareholder letters and his articles. He's never written a book. I think people read Warren Buffett Way and think he's the one peddling that garbage. Anyway. Letters-
Those only got back to 1977, so if youre the obsessive type you may want to buy the kindle that goes back to his pre-Berkshire days with his partnership.
As for articles, the best thing is probably to grab this compilation-
Though you can probably find the more famous articles online for free. All in tho, if you bought those two ebooks off Amazon it would cost less than a 24-pack of beer, so there's worse ways to spend your money.
Then he recommends only two investment books with any degree of consistency, though he has thrown bones towards others. Those are Intelligent Investor-
And Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
I wouldnt recommend either book to a beginner, but if youre double majoring in business and looking to learn, there ya go.
He's also thrown Peter Lynch a bone and Seth Klarman. Peter Lynch has three books you can find easily enough plus he has some funny lectures on youtube. Seth Klarman's book Margin of Safety is out of print.
If youre more into books on tape, I know Common Stock and Uncommon Profits is on youtube, but Id recommend reading a book rather than listening to it if you really want to learn from it and not just be entertained.
One last word of warning, everyone claims to follow what Buffett says, but it's really just like Christianity. And I dont say this to be sacrilegious, so pardon me. But everyone claims to be a Christian, but most people don't actually go to church or respect their father and mother or dont lie, etc. It's just a terms & service agreement that our society just kinda blindly checks. Well that's how ubiquitous Warren Buffett's name is in the investment world. Everyone claims to follow him, and everyone quotes him, but most people dont listen to a word he says. It just goes in one ear and out the other. So if you can actually listen to him, then you should do very well.