There is supporting evidence. I can't get it for you because I'm not longer enrolled in school and don't have access to journal articles. But they exist.
If you are at university, please look some up.
And here's an anecdote: My mother molested me when I was a kid. I always hated her, but until I was 21 I didn't know she had actually molested me. I started to "remember" when I was 20. My brother confirmed that he had witnessed the abuse.
There are a lot of stories like this one. Jennifer Freyd wrote a book about Betrayal Trauma Theory and she cites lots of empirical evidence of memory recall.
There is evidence that supports both sides of the false memory debate. I agree that it is possible to plant memories, but studies show that it is possible to repress memories.
Also, I'd like to add that as an undergraduate I had the opportunity to work with a professor researching dissociative traumas. So I'm not just talking out of my ass. ;)