>Be me
>Piece missing
>Call puzzle company
>"Which piece is missing, we'll send you one"
>"Uh... The white one"
Did anyone feel like Kim's B&W sequence was full of references to color/lack thereof?
I was gifted this demon puzzle which also had letters on the back, but I hated it so much. My dad also hated it and threw it out. I think it’s the only puzzle I’ve been happy to part with. 😂
And yes!! Totally didn’t think your title was anything but cheekiness and I love it. Although, it really does feel like I’m cheating sometimes when I see other puzzlers who don’t use the letters, don’t refer to the image on the box, mix pieces together on giant 10K+ puzzles, etc. I can’t play on “hard mode” when it comes to puzzles! Hahah
Here is the puzzle if anyone is insane enough to buy it. Link
Full disclosure, there's a micro-print pattern on the back, so I put this together upside down, but I honestly don't know if that made it any easier. I organized the pieces by quadrants and worked from the corners in.
or maybe you'd prefer this one?
They sell them on Amazon, and the solution is right there on the front of the box!
Look at picture number 4, it shows the pattern on the back of the pieces
Here's a link on Amazon. It's pretty cheap. You can probably get it in your country too.
It would be even harder without colors
Someone should send them this puzzle.
I didn't see the post... is this what you mean by white puzzle though?
Idle thumbs mentioned this ridiculously difficult japanese jigsaw puzzle that some unfortunate soul is going to be receiving next holiday season.
I think you need to do something about your searching skills: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beverly-Micro-White-Jigsaw-Puzzle/dp/B008DCQE3O
I ordered this puzzle for my friend. I hope she doesn't kill me.
Will Amazon ship it to you?