He's probably correct, it's hard to tell without knowing any part numbers. If that's a USB expansion card I believe it has a USB controller on it which will cause it to not work the way you want.
BGNing 1 to 4 PCI Express 16X... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B2SWS2D?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I bought this and it worked for me with a little musical chair with the USB cables. I had to plug in the card connected to the display then slowly add the other cards, making sure drivers were getting installed each time. Lookup a guide or something. But in the end it worked.
This isn’t RAM, it’s VRAM.
Potentially likely there’s not enough pci lanes. This happens when you get a “cuda not enough memory error”. This matches up with your “I added 1 more gpu”.
So to solve this, try different pci ports. As far from one another as possible. Or if you’re using a multi PCIe splitter with risers such as this, Stop and plug directly into the motherboard.
No. That is a USB hub.
Should be something like below:
BGNing 1 to 4 PCI Express 16X Slots Riser Card PCI-E 1X to External 4 PCI-E Slot Adapter PCIe Multiplier Card USB 3.0 Mining Special Riser Card for Bitcoin Miner https://www.amazon.sg/dp/B07B2SWS2D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_Q30HPVWAM28JF4VNPTY5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Something like this:
BGNing 1 to 4 PCI Express 16X Slots Riser Card PCI-E 1X to External 4 PCI-E Slot Adapter PCIe Multiplier Card USB 3.0 Mining Special Riser Card for Bitcoin Miner https://www.amazon.sg/dp/B07B2SWS2D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5A37YB22A2VP2NYN3TGT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you want to add even more you could get away might be able to use these things aswell: https://www.amazon.com/BGNing-Express-External-Adapter-Multiplier/dp/B07B2SWS2D/ref=pd\_sbs\_3/142-2785935-2541542?pd\_rd\_w=877AH&pf\_rd\_p=3676f086-9496-4fd7-8490-77cf7f43f846&pf\_rd\_r=4B6J30M7W294EKYKD71X&pd\_rd\_r=1b1da970-64bf-43...
I use this / something exactly like this. I got a better price on ebay. Couple notes: It does not fit perfectly - there is a little slop / not snug. That said - no problems. Also, when I added 4 cards to my machine I needed to add VRAM to get them all working properly. Finally, I'm running windows and the first startup with a total of 6 gpus on this motherboard took well over 6 minutes. That's with my SSD !!! The poor machine acted dead / dying. Turn in on and grab a cup of coffee - it's gonna take awhile. GL !!!
I found one on Amazon here.
IDK, but I have 4 GPU's connected to my computer with this:
Using these for My Rig.
Not from that seller but you get the point.
Yeah, using one to with 3 GPUs (3070, RX590, Vega64) without issues for a couple of weeks now. Great find on Amazon UK, also available on Ebay.
With this little friend there's no point to get expensive mining mobos. Wondering what's the limit? PCI-e processor lanes?
I was planning on using this Asus z87m-plus.
I am planning on upgrading my gaming rig and using the mobo + cpu + ram as a mining rig.
Planning to use a PCIe USB splitter and risers,
Splitter: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07B2SWS2D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
How many GPUs can i fit?
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BGNing 1 to 4 PCI Express 16X Slots Riser Card PC… | $28.65 | $28.65 | 4.5/5.0 |
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BGNing 1 to 4 PCI Express 16X Slots Riser Card PCI-E 1X to External 4 PCI-E Slot Adapter PCIe Multiplier Card USB 3.0 Mining Special Riser Card for Bitcoin Miner https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B2SWS2D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VETAKETGJ5MK4VZCGFTQ
Not hard, I assume you mean something like this.
Just make sure you're powering the risers you feed into it correctly.
It's a PCIe splitter like this.
These will solve your problem: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07B2SWS2D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
so even if i get one of these PCIe 4 way splitters for the first and second slots I could only fit six?
Wouldnt this allow me to have 10 cards, 4 on the first pcie, 4 on the second and then one on the other two?
I hopefully will have time to test it out this weekend.