This is why I rewrote the Bible and made the stories easy to understand. I'm giving out a bunch of review copies. Anyone who wants one can PM me. The deal is you have to review it on Amazon. That's it!
If you want some more comfort, I can give you a free copy of my book, where i re-translated the Bible but made it pretty funny. If you promise to write an amazon review, I'll send you a pdf copy. Here's the amazon link:
I totally agree with you, which is why I rewrote the Bible, so that all those "delightful" little stories get exposed.
Willing to give free review copies to people who offer to leave a review on amazon. Any takers?
Hey kid, if you want to look at the Bible in a way that isn't so serious, I can send you a free copy of my translation (digital version). I think once you realize what these stories are about, you're not going to feel as fearful as you once did. Remember that adults try and use this book to scare the shit out of anyone questioning them.
Here's the preview:
You can DM me your email and I'll send you a copy right away
Sorry you're experiencing this. The good news is that the whole world is not this stupid, and trust me when I say you aren't the only one there who felt like that, I'm sure.
I've got something that might make you feel a bit better. It's not much, but I think if you read my book, you might be surprised of the kind of "ammunition" for ridicule that you will have at your disposal. I translated the Bible into something that funny are sardonic, and I think some of the jokes might work well for you (and clarify the stories so they come out as fucked as you'd imagine). At the very least, I can guarantee that it'll make you laugh. Send me a dm with your email and I'll send you a e-book version for free: