Rather than leaving an open port, I'd go with the splitter pigtails and just daisy chain two of them together. From your antenna to a splitter, one side to a SDR, other side split again to the other two dongles.
Yes sir. I glanced at your posts to see if you mentioned a location.Always helps to know location,equipment & frequencies of interest.
Wish these would have been around when I lived in montegut.
The AM & FM notch/band pass filters are to filters out interference from broadcast
stations, not a necessity, but a definitely needed at times.
antenna to the sdr dongle , sdr plugged into usb hub (connected to the usb port of your pc) port or usb port3 on your pc
you can use a y-cable
some say don't share an antenna, some say it doesnt matter. you don't want to share an antenna with something that is tx/broadcasting , rx/receiving is fine in my book.
I have had four of them ,1 antenna per pair, in an old PSU box for over a year running 24/7 , each one is connected to a 10ft shielded usb extension cable that connect to a four port usb hub that is connected to a desktop pc
some systems you can get away with one sdr dongle, some you might need 6 or more, depends on how much of the traffic you want to catch
I assume you want to tie two SDR's together to share one antenna, you'll probably want a SMA splitter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMA_connector
Smaller antenna looks like a BNC.. you can get an SMA to BNC too.
You'll want to learn the various connector types - there's a ton of them. Once you do, you can amazon all kinds of adapters/couplers/splitters/etc for fairly inexpensive prices. There are often kits that have several different types of adapters in them - handy for tinkering.
Have fun!