Water deeply, infrequently, in the mornings. Maybe 40 mins twice a week around 6am. Then mow frequently especially during the peak growing season - maybe every 3 days.
I don’t think Bermuda is sensitive to weed sprays, if you find a mix like the link below and use it per the label, probably within 2 applications you should have pushed the weeds back a ton. Note that you may have bare spots afterwards if there isn’t much Bermuda left. You’ll have to fertilize and water the Bermuda to encourage it to spread. Don’t overseed with more Bermuda.
For dandelions and crabgrass I was super happy with my first time using bio advanced 3in1. It has the 2,4d active ingredient mentioned by other posters.
I put it in a tank sprayer but a hose end sprayer would work. Crab grass and clover is wilting, dandelions are dead and gone.
Now if I can just get my poa trivialis to go away, I’ll be golden!
Good luck OP - take pics and post to the sub!
I had good luck with bio advanced 3 in 1 in a pump sprayer - I had dandelions, some clover & crabgrass.
Link here: https://www.amazon.com/BioAdvanced-704140A-Crabgrass-Concentrate-Rainproof/dp/B001OSH5P0
Edited to add, mow down those seed heads, or even better get a weed dragon torch and burn them down.
If you are noting buying this right now, seriously......you are the biggest idiot in the history of the world:
Thanks for the link OP!!!! I casually looked at it and casually went to Amazon and was like HOLY SHIT, price drop from hell! Got 5 bottles on the way for $37 and now a $25 rebate too? Get out!
Use this : Bayer Advanced All-in-One Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer 32 oz Concentrate for Dandelions, Crabgrass & Clover https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OSH5P0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5CkTCbTCHRV7B
I would blanket app the whole lawn once. Then, wait 1-2 weeks and spot spray the remaining weeds.
Edit: you’ll need to purchase a sprayer if you don’t already have one.
You want what’s called a 3-way weed killer that has the active ingredients 2,4-d(most common broadleaf weed killer) and quinclorac(most common crabgrass killer). I use Bio Advanced Weed & Crabgrass Killer and mix it in a 1 gallon pump sprayer.
This. Mow it and hit with quinclorac ASAP. It’ll spread and take over the yard pretty quickly. The bigger these are, the more roots/dirt you’ll pull up so I’d be careful with pulling them otherwise you’ll have craters. Bayer Advanced 704140 All-in-One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Concentrate, 32 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OSH5P0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_VPAoBb9W5T0QS
Quinclorac for crabgrass, and 2,4-D for the other broadleaf weeds. Dicamba also helps. You can find all three mixed together in some weed killers at the store.
I used this and it worked well for me: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001OSH5P0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You can also buy the herbicides separately in concentrate form and mix them yourself.
Thanks! Yeah its pretty horrible, all my neighbors have it
I'm pretty sure I have Bermuda grass! Finally getting the hang of this..
So step here is my plan
Step 1)roundup onions
Step 2) dethatch all the crap with blower
Step 3) apply Bayer Advanced 704140 All-in-One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Concentrate, 40 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OSH5P0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_bIEZybZWPAXW3 to bad crab infested areas
Step 4) fertilize? Seed? Still not
I actually just sprayed with this stuff a few days ago using a fan sprayer nozzle over about 50% of my lawn just spot spraying in a grid pattern where I saw weeds. Haven't seen any results yet, I tested it along my driveway a few days prior and those weeds just started to wither and die. https://www.amazon.com/Bayer-Advanced-Crabgrass-Concentrate-32-Ounce/dp/B001OSH5P0/ref=sr_1_2?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1466621542&sr=1-2&keywords=bayer+advanced
You can aerate, seed, and put down starter fertilizer all in the same day. If you're going to seed, do all 3 of these things as soon as possible because it's getting to be late in the season. It's a little better to wait on the starter fertilizer for a few days, up to a week after seeding... but doing it immediately won't hurt.
As others have said, weed&feed is a pre-emergent, and the type of fertilizer isn't ideal for new seeds so it makes your seeding much less effective (pre-emergent prevents weed or grass seeds from germinating). By the time your grass starts growing it will be too late for pre-emergent. Pre-emergent is for established lawns anyway; while you're still adding grass or killing weeds, you're better off with a selective weed killer.
If you're going to seed, do it now, aerate first. Starter fertilizer soon.
In about 3 weeks, use a selective weed killer (my favorite is this one)
In the middle of May you can put down a high-nitrogen fertilizer to help weather the heat and give the grass a deeper green through the summer.
There's probably another opportunity for fertilizer in August, I'm not sure about that one. In late September you can seed and use starter fertilizer again if your spring seeds don't make it.
I'm in the process of restoring a neglected yard in KS and have been in touch with the local extension office for advice and schedules. Feel free to ask me if you have any further questions or need clarification.
Sorry - it’s short for a broadleaf herbicide with 3 chemicals that will kill a broad spectrum of broad leaf. Most of what you are encountering would likely die from these. But they will not kill grass. They’re cheap so start here. They typically contain a blend of 24D, dicamba, and some others. If they say crabgrass - they’ll usually have quinclorac too like this
BioAdvanced 704140 All-in-One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Garden Herbicide, 40 oz, Concentrate https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OSH5P0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GGFFEAEBY87G0MFGDKWR
This is another popular more aggressive 3 way but it’s ester base so do not apply about 85 degrees or anywhere near it or you could damage your lawn
Gordon’s SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer, 20 Ounces, 652400 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001PCRKDC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BGWYJP187S38ABZ5KGQC
Here is an ole stand by and probably the one I’d recommend from a value for your dollar. It’s a lot stronger than the big box stuff but still affordable
Again- these don’t kill grass and all weeds. Some weeds are hearty and might need some specialty herbicide like sedgehammer or triclopyr but start with this then try and see what’s left. Look up how to spray, get you a backpack sprayer, practice with it and the make damn sure you mix it right.
This weed killer with a dial and spray hose end sprayer took care of my dandelion problem and helped stop my crabgrass issue. It has the 24D that the other posters have mentionned. 3 tablespoons per gallon setting, wear chemical protection (mask, long sleeves and pants, eye protection) and don't spray into the wind.
Now if my triv problem was this easy...... ugh
Definitely. Mix 1oz/gallon of dish soap with it, will break the surface tension and make it stick a bit better.
I would put down some Dithiopyr, which has some post emergent properties, and a weed killer with Quinclorac. Then follow through with your aeration and overseeding. I will find some links when not on mobile.
Is it Rye grass? Very nice grass for specifc environments.
Cradgrass has a red stem.
crab grass is an annual. It dies completely in the winter (if cold enough). And grows again from seed. The preventer prevents ANY seed from growing in the spring. Including new grass SEED. It is effective if applied early enough in the spring. Crabgrass is a grass (narrow leaf plants). Most other grasses are perinnial so it doesnt care about the preventer. Grasses (including crabgrass) also grow from rhizomes. Rhyiszomes are not effected by the preventer. So anything that kills crabgrass kills grass. Selective roundup works. Waiting to the winter also works. You most likely need to do two stage 1 treaments next year versus a. 1,1,2,4 versus 1,2,3,4.
So no specific crabgrass killer.
Round up works, mechanical methods works.
Weed and feed will never work.
Even this is a preventer
Use anything with 24d and quinclorac
Bayer Advanced 704140 All-in-One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Concentrate, 40 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OSH5P0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_9NpgzbTJ9SJDH