If your looking for something for fungus gnats, i cant recommend nematodes enough.
I used these for gnats. You probably need a different kind?
They clearly did something. The gnat population was decimated, dead bugs everywhere....
I got my hopes up expecting the nematodes to stick around if I gave them a decent environment. Idk if it was me, but I did 2 applications and the gnats never fully went away. But, I have no idea what I'm doing, just followed YouTube videos and little bit of reading lol 😂.
I have been dealing with gnats as well!! I tried the mosquito bits and the neem oil spray and what has worked hands down the best are beneficial nematodes! Uploading a picture of it. I ordered from amazon and my understanding is that these are microorganisms that eat/kill off the gnats. I have seen a huggggeee improvement. Basically gone at this point just a few still lingering but it’s only been about a week. I will definitely be trying this bottom watering though so as to avoid another infestation.
Curious if anyone else has experience with the beneficial nematodes?? I randomly came across this one day but haven’t seen many folks discuss it. beneficial nematodes