Bioshock’s story is my favorite. I’ve replayed Bioshock 1 probably 4-5 times.
I love that they wrote a novel as well. Well worth the read if you’d like to see the story laid out from conception of Rapture through the building of the city, it’s hay day and downfall. BioShock: Rapture
Have you read the novel that this image belongs to? It's absolutely my favorite video game based novel I've ever read. link to amazon page for it
I’ve always been enamored with all of the games. To me it was like Christmas morning getting the remastered HD versions on PS4. I was on convalescent leave recovering from shoulder surgery on my non dominant arm so I was still Able to play, got through the first game in almost 3 days I loved it so much.
There have been rumors for years that there will be a film adaptation or possibly a fourth game - but I’m not holding my breath. I will say that there is a novel called Bioshock: Rapture that you can purchase on Amazon - that was flippin’ fantastic if you’re looking to score some bioshock content
BioShock: Rapture
Bioshock 1 is still my favorite game of all time. The artwork, the audio logs, politics and philosophy, the atmosphere and the characters. I was so happy when the Burial at Sea DLCs came out for Bioshock Infinite came out because you get to see Rapture at its height, in all its beauty and strength.
If you want more of the story of Bioshock, there is a novel: BioShock: Rapture Highly recommended.
Going to off script and going to recommend the book based of Bioshock called <em>Bioshock Rapture</em> by John Shirley. The book is absolutely amazing and even better than the games if you can believe that. I was so surprised how addicting it was and read it in a few sittings. It is exactly what you would want it to be. The mythos and atmosphere are even as tense and does a perfect job of explaining the downfall of Rapture. This was 8 years ago and I don't think I've made a better under $10 purchase since then.
The real suggestion that reminds me of Bioshock is the game Control and looks like someone has also mentioned it too. Same eerie atmosphere. On Gamepass for PC if that is what you're using.
I also looked down and someone mentioned Singularity and it's very clearly inspired by Bioshock. It's basically Time Traveling Bioshock and seeing that Infinite is your fave, this an absolute must play. It's the most similar to Bioshock. That was a game that was great that flew under the radar.
You might enjoy reading the book Bioshock Rapture. They do a pretty good job filling in how the structure was made and why it went to hell.
Hey OP, for an awesome back story, Play bioshock 1 first, then get a hold of the book Bioshock: Rapture by John Shirley
its an amazing 430 page book I just finished yesterday. It gives you an awesome back story to bioshock 1, and makes some references to Bioshock 2. But it has spoilers in it so play 1 first! Welcome to Rapture!
Worth emphasizing: If you are intrigued/interested by the story of Bioshock, seriously consider reading BioShock: Rapture by John Shirley. It's a prequel to the first Bioshock game. Not officially recognized as part of the canon, but Ken Levine served as a consultant so I think you can consider it pretty official.
It's good.
If you like video games and delving into backstories...
Bioshock: Rapture by John Shirley
Sci-Fi / Horror(?)
I particularly like it because it was able to capture the feel of the Bioshock series - dark, mysterious, dramatic and sometimes creepy. I love the fact that radical political ideologies come into play, and the story line is much deeper than most common video games out there. It enriches your experience for the series, and John's writing is easy to read.
Jealous that you're enjoying them for the first time! When you finish the game, i highly recommend picking up the book it serves as a prequel to the first game and it's really great stuff.
Wait. Go play something else for the time being! Ooooo! I know! Pick you up a copy of Rapture (the novel) from Amazon and read it before the remastered collection comes out! Everyone else played the game first. You'll probably be the only person to have read the "prequel" before Bioshock 1! There's no spoilers. But when you're playing the game you'll recognize characters and see what happened to them.... Instead of the other way around....
Here! I did the work for ya! Now get out that credit card!
EDIT: DON'T READ THE BOOK BEFORE THE GAME. I'm an idiot and forgot some major info in the book, that you don't want to know before the game.....
There was a book written, a prequel to Bioshock 1, in which we see Andrew Ryan's descent into madness, a lot of the main characters, and how Rapture started out and became so messed up. Reading it really felt like playing the game, just the style they used. I recommend it.
BioShock: Rapture
Nice big daddy statue... Did you know they made a Rapture book?
When is the next Name of the Wind book coming out!?!
there is a bioshock novel which attempts to explain alot of the backstory and motivations of the characters
BioShock : Rapture by John Shirley
If you haven't, check out the book Bioshock: Rapture. It tells how Rapture was created and what led to its downfall. It's very well done and well researched.
Have you read Bioshock: Rapture
Yep, this one...
To the bioshock book? Here ya go.
BioShock: Rapture you dont fall over when lit on fire and freeze them then that line up your claim or just horribly misguided.
If you loved the setting of Rapture, you should check out the novel that recounts the rise and fall of the city.
Play Bioshock 1, then 2, then read the book <em>Rapture</em>..then play Infinite!
This is precisely with I think places like /v/ have much better conversations than /r/gaming in general. Whenever a movie-videogame thread appears nobody goes into this "better-than-thou" attitude. Everybody knows it's a joke, everyone does it for fun. Nobody is trying to appear all smart and intellectual because they are repeating what's already obvious.
It really is fun to see people speculate about which actors would play which characters, for example.
Also, Bioshock:Rapture is proof enough that quality adaptions are possible as long as you have talented people behind it.
That is marvelous. I absolutely love this game and the story that goes with it. If you also love the story read the prequel to the game.