Hong Dian Black Forrest, 15 bucks and free shipping for with prime. It’s a steal!
Black Forest Fountain Pen Fine Nib Classic Design with Converter and Metal Pen Case Set by Hongdian https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y8L9JQ1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6JJJZWHQC3BV627H740N?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Esperti di penne stilografiche, secondo voi la taglia di pennino M per questa penna https://www.amazon.it/Hongdian-stilografica-classico-convertitore-confezione/dp/B07Y8L9JQ1/ref=rvi_sccl_10/260-4137866-0300863?pd_rd_w=2twdq&pf_rd_p=034079e9-a9b3-4dde-baaf-9e398ee2f758&pf_rd_r=AVBQNM09VNQXZ6BXRCZ6&pd_rd_r=4f433ef8-0dc... sarebbe Bent Nib 0.5-1.2 mm ?
Che significa Bent Nib 0.5-1.2 mm? Mi piace moltissimo questa penna ma vorrei il pennino M ma non capisco.
consigli su altre penne sulla 20/30 euro? Ne ho già alcune lamy.
If you just want to see if you like writing with a fountain pen, Platinum Preppy pens are super cheap, less than ten dollars.
For a few bucks more, I personally recommend a Hongdian like the Black Forest. You get a lot of value for the 17 bucks: metal pen, decent quality nib, it caps and posts well, and it comes with a cartridge converter. It doesn't come with ink, so you'd need to order some cartridges, or a bottle of ink, which is when you'd use the converter.
Lamy makes good pens, but I don't feel like the Safari is as much of a good value. Plastic, costs twice as much as the Jinhao and doesn't come with a converter. The interchangeable nib system is nice, though. A Safari was my first fountain pen. I have probably like 30 fountain pens now.
Yeah I think I have the converter but I I ended up just refilling the cartridge it came with and it works just as well. 🙂 I don’t have a Pilot Metropolitan to compare it with but I think the Kakuno was a little cheaper on Amazon so I went with that. Also really like my Hong Dian pens-the Hong Dian Black Forest Fine Nib was my first fountain pen so I’m biased but I got the blue and greed versions because I liked the matte finish on these. They’ve been good daily pens and are really reliable in terms of usage. They come with their converters too so I didn’t have to buy extra.
I ordered this pen from Amazon last week and it was delivered last night.
I inked it up this morning with Diamine Ancient Copper and wrote a bit in my journal.
Overall, it feels like a decent quality. The whole body is metal. The length fits my hand rather well. At the end of the pen you can definitely post the cap - though I did not when writing. The pen isn't heavy, I didn't feel my hand getting any kind of fatigue whilst writing.
As for the writing itself... Well... It's a pen from Amazon. The inked flowed smoothly! So smoothly! There were no hard starts, no skipping. Honestly, the only other pen I've had write any smoother is the Baoer 79 "Skywalker" - which is a MB knock off (that apparently writes better than the MB).
Amazon describes this pen as Black Forest Fountain Pen Fine Nib Classic Design with Converter and Metal Pen Case. The nib is definitely fine - I didn't see any issues with it. It did indeed arrive with a converter that is pretty much just like any other converter. The cap fits very well to the pen, it doesn't feel like it's going to fall off like my Baoer cap does. The metal case appears to be stainless steel, and seemed to be a good case.
I'm assuming this is a Hong Dian Forest Series pen, since that's what the band says.
I honestly feel like this is a really good quality pen, especially for the money. We'll see how it holds up to repeated use.
Black Forest Fountain Pen https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y8L9JQ1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_W520GQB54Y6MGR9R11JP?psc=1
Black, metal body, cheap so if you bend it or dent it you don't feel bad, and you get to carry a nice fountain pen. I have the blue one myself and I enjoy it a lot.
Also, really dig the setup overall. I have the P320, I'm interested in getting the converter to the carry size.
The HongDian black Forrest is inexpensive (this link is Canadian Amazon so if you’re US-based it’ll likely be substantially cheaper than this) and all black, which is kinda spooky (although not in a ghost-type way). They also have an all blue pen and a purple pen (that one has a normal nib though). Their F and EF nibs are nice imo, although I’m also a novice.
Hongdian Forest series- black. It’s on the cheaper end of the spectrum as far as fountain pens go, but it’s been my EDC pen for 3 years now. For 17 bucks on Amazon it’s nice and weighty, and writes smooth of a little scratchy on the wrong paper.
This was an imitation of Hongdian. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07Y8L9JQ1/ref=cm_sw_r_fm_apa_glt_i_7WC0PERXJNHH7YEGCRRF
This one. It’s the cheapest of 3 that I’ve bought so far, and is the sturdiest one that wound up being my favorite
For the price, you can't beat this pen. It's how I got started
Check out the Hongdian Black Forest. It's under $20 on Amazon. I use mine as my meeting pen for work.
Amazon link if you are curious
I used a y-shaped ergonomic pen to retrain my grip for a couple of years and break my habit of wrapping my thumb around and gripping too hard.
I find weight and sensation help to make up for my bad proprioception, so now I do most of my writing with a metal fountain pen. I feel like the sensation of the nib scratching against the paper helps me control it and the weight in my hand makes me feel less like I have to squeeze when I write.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Black Forest Fountain Pen Fine Nib Classic Design… | $16.98 | $16.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Black Forest Fountain Pen Fine Nib Classic Design… | $16.98 | $16.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Bought it from Amazon, it's called Black Forest. Here is the link (not the one I bought though, as I'm not in the US).
When some flashlight folks directed me to "better" raw copper lights, they were all strangely MORE expensive and harder to get. I'm not saying I'm an Olight fan, but my Cu S2R B2 is a solid light. I can't complain. I also paid MSRP at Olight for it, so it was something like $60, which, again, is STILL cheaper than the "better" alternatives.
I'm sure I will find another light (need a matte black to go with my wedding ring, my Hondian Black Forest Pen and Aevig Corvid watch). I'm sure it will be whatever tickles my fancy...and I'm sure I'll hear about it from my flashlight friends.
Get what you want. Enjoy what you have.
I bought my Matte Black version from Amazon. They have black, blue, and the silver you posted a picture of.