Now that they've learned how to make things, teach them how to break things:
Ethical hackers are highly in demand and can definitely make six figures without even having a job, to say nothing of a nearly six-figure starting salary.
InfoSec is now and will continue to be a golden ticket for the tech-literate of the world.
Black hat Phyton just came out with a second updated version too. Very good IMO
Python for the Absolute Beginner: this is a textbook and it’s python 2 so it’s old. But it’s the only thing that was able to explain programming to me in a way that I understood. It’s about $5 used. You don’t need the CD. If you’re having trouble “getting it” this is what helped me get it after trying multiple times for years and failing to understand anything beyond basic programming.
/r/learnpython wiki: this is up to date with new free online resources and it’s a dump of everything. They even have it sorted by quality and difficulty. Try random stuff from here until it clicks:
Advanced Computer Witchcraft Master Class (SSSSSHHHHHH don’t tell)
If he's interested in security/pentesting stuff, there's a decent book Black Hat Python that goes through using Python for some security tasks. It's not totally beginner friendly, but with motivation from interest in security I'm sure they could get through it.
Python or Java is fine. It's really up to him to decide. The best you can do is share some resources to help him along his journey. I'd even share this post and let him read the answers. I think Python would be a better start for security related stuff, and I think once he really dives into it he'll quickly want to play with C/C++ as it allows lower-level control of memory and stuff like that. I own this book, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, and while pretty advanced I found it helped give a good understanding of what programs do under the hood.
You'll want to have some programming experience as well as knowledge of cryptography. I'd recommend learning python as a first language, this is a good site to learn A math prof directed me to this site for learning about cryptography.
This is a pretty cool book for making your own scripts once you know some python: