Come on man at least credit the author Justin Seitz and give him a chance to sell his works: Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
Edit: seitz not Switzerland
Python is a high level programming language which mean you can do pretty much anything. I learned C first, so I didn't go into Python without prior programming experience. However, python is very easy to learn and the blackhat python book is a great resource. If you put time and effort into it, it will not take you long at all to grasp the concepts.
This was the list on the first link:
I know about these 2 things Kali Training and black hat python
Try these:
Python for pentesting scripts? There are two books on that subject, Black hat python and Gray hat python. I can't say anything about them, but they exist. Good luck! :)
I like data analysis, but if that's not your thing then maybe you'd be more interested in hacking
Black Hat Python (Amazon) is oft-recommended. So is Violent Python.
Black Hat Python is a good one, since you know python