Yes nothing to remove. You should take a look at a few how to videos. At a minimum, all you need is a hair dryer to heat it, then credit cards and other plastic objects to smooth the wrap. I use Vivvid black matte and gloss silver off of Amazon. There’s also cheap tool kits that you can get. Since then, above wrapped lap tips and speakers. It’s fun and easily removed. Black Matte Car Wrap Vinyl Roll with Air Release 3MIL-VViViD8 (1.5FT X 5FT)
I know there has been a lot of these posts recently but I hadn't seen anyone actually do a simple matte black one. The total cost was 14 dollars ( and took about 1 to 1.5 hours from start to finish.
Black Matte Car Wrap Vinyl Roll with Air Release 3MIL-VViViD8 (1.5FT X 5FT)
The wrapping itself wasn't hard. I watched a few YouTube videos on the process for wrapping cars to pick up some tips and that was enough. I bought vivid wrap on Amazon (link). I bought a wrapping tool kit as well.
Where you might run into trouble is taking apart the machine. I watched this video quite a few times while doing the disassembly. If you have the right tools, you'll be fine (7mm and 8mm socket wrench, 21mm wrench, small hex keys, and a Philips head). I'd watch the video a couple of times and decide your comfort level.
Is it this stuff? I’m a novice Black Matte Car Wrap Vinyl Roll with Air Release 3MIL-VViViD8 (1.5FT X 5FT)
I'm thinking of making my own, with something like this, a matte vinyl wrap with a good texture on it.
Cuz it's really cheap and easy to find here in Brazil, if I would buy one specifically made for the SC, that would be almost half of what I paid for the controller itself.