I bought these bands from Amazon that let you stick them through various parts of your closed door for lat pull downs, face pulls, leg kick backs, etc.
I also have some adjustable dumbbells I've semi-permanently borrowed from my brother. That really seems enough. I also have a pull up bar that when not being used to air dry laundry, is used for negatives as I'm not able to do real pull ups.
Calorie counting will be the most important thing for you. I'd get a kitchen scale before anything else. Check out /r/loseit.
If you're going to do P90X you can substitute in a set of exercise bands for weights. I have these ones from Amazon and they've held up great over the years.
I tried searching the past posts for this question, but what are everyone's favorite resistance bands? I have this set (https://smile.amazon.com/Black-Mountain-Products-Resistance-Exercise/dp/7245456313/), and it has been great for things like face pulls, tricep extensions, and curls. The problem is the bands are fraying in the middle where the door anchor rubs on the bands. This company has been great and replaced worn out bands in the past, but I figured I would try something different this time.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for another brand for a set of resistance bands? I'll mainly be using them for the exercises I mentioned.
You can choose ones you like theres a lot to choose from. Basically the bands have tension in them so if you step on it and try to do a curl like you would with a dumb bell, the resistance acts like as if you're lifting weights. And it's entirely adjustable so you can pick whatever resistance you want and you can add resistance too by using more than one band at the same time.
There are so many fitness channels on youtube that will do short workouts where you follow along with your resistance band. Anabolic Aliens is one that I watch regularly.
And by 5k i meant running 5 kilometers. That's usually a new runners first goal to reach. If you run consistently for a few weeks you can do it. Once you reach that milestone, try to improve your time or try to run 10k instead.
If I'm abroad for a long period of time I prefer to take these. Great for getting a pre-beach pump in without being that guy who travels with dumbbells.
I bought this, happy with it. Doesn't do everything that package listed, but much cheaper.
Something I use it quite a bit is a set of resistance bands. I have several eyebolts I stuck into the wall of my garage and use these for all sorts of things. I think you could do the same in the apartment if you could find a stud in the wall and just patch it later. This is the one I use: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Mountain-Products-Resistance-Exercise/dp/7245456313
For just a month... there's no need to add any paperwork to your life.
I'd focus on cardio, doing HIIT cycles of bodyweight. Jump Rope and using these
There are other gyms that allow 1 month memberships like Planet Fitness. Just notify them before the month is out that you're leaving.
I hope this helps.
Not a solution for right now, but for future traveling. These are great bands that can substitute a gym when you are on the go. Might not be as flashy or nice as a fully gym (obviously) but if you want to at least maintain, these will help tremendously.
Do you have the capability of ripping the DVDs to video files? I did that and they take up 7 GB of hard drive space. Can you really not spare 7 gigs? Or maybe you're on a Chromebook or something. Either way, you can pick up a cheap USB thumb drive that will hold them. You can also play with the video quality during the rip to lower the overall file size. That should cover the videos themselves.
And get a set of bands, as others suggested. This is the set I take on the road. It's inexpensive and versatile.
You're welcome.
Also, if you really want to do cable face pulls and if you're able to invest in some a set of bands, I've enjoyed these: http://www.amazon.com/Black-Mountain-Products-Resistance-Exercise/dp/7245456313/ref=sr_1_1?s=sports-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1463690662&sr=1-1&keywords=black+mountain+resistance+bands
I agree with the other commenters that diet will have the biggest impact on weight loss, and that weight loss will make exercising easier, but there is no reason you can’t do both.
At this point it sounds like your first exercise goal is getting your body used to movement. Physical therapy exercises would be a good start. You usually begin without weight, and then slowly work your way up to light or moderate weight. It may not feel like you’re burning a lot of calories, but you have to built a foundation. Losing 50, 100, 150lbs won’t be enough on its own to allow you to run or lift more weight. This is your chance to prepare your body for new movements and challenges.
I would recommend focusing on strengthening your weaker arm. You don’t want your strength to become more imbalanced. There is no shame in starting with low weight, or even no weight at all, and slowly working your way up. You could try doing basic exercises, like shoulder press, bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc. without weight, or with 3lb dumbbells. 3 sets of 10, or whatever you can do. Do the same weight with both arms, so they progress together. The hardest thing for beginners, or those returning to exercise, is often accepting the fact that they should begin with less weight than they would like, focusing on form, and allowing their bodies to build up strength over time.
You may also find exercise bands useful (something like these: http://smile.amazon.com/Black-Mountain-Products-Resistance-Exercise/dp/7245456313/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1460305963&sr=8-3&keywords=exercise+bands). They can be useful for low-impact strength training when you tire of dumbbell movements, or want to add more variation.
It’s wonderful that you and your wife have decided to make this change together. It likely feels daunting now, but you can do this. I wish you the best of luck.
these are fantastic. I use them at my computer when ever I feel like it for arms and legs.
I used to travel 80% of the year for nearly 10 years for work and bought myself a set of bands very similar to this set on Amazon. I was able to do several workout routines I liked and helped me stay in decent shape when I couldn't get to a gym. The door block is nice too to get pull ups in. I would just use the bathroom door while I wait for the hot water to kick in.
You can do a lot of exercises on the mat, but you can also kick it up a notch by getting a set of fitness bands with which you can emulate straps for some exercises. If you can afford a private session with your favorite trainer from the place you took classes, bring the bands with you and have her/him set you up with a routine you can do with the bands that includes a good range of exercises for different body parts.
My brother uses these fitness bands when he travels for long periods of time. They are very lightweight. He just follows a workout on youtube.
ah I feel your pain I am constantly dealing with a strained something or other. when one thing heals up I hurt another.
I have these bands and use them usually at the end of a workout to full exhaust a muscle, especially arms.
the pulley thing seems like a bad idea but you could toss a couple of these resistance bands over the bar instead of suspending weight from it to do tricep push-downs or band crunches.
you should probably buy a set that has different resistances. something like this is what you should start with
I have the following. Good quality bands at a good price. Nice carabiner type clip system so I can attach it to a wall anchor or something.
Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set with Door Anchor, Ankle Strap, Exercise Chart, and Resistance Band Carrying Case https://www.amazon.com/dp/7245456313/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_KveWvb894AMEY
You are getting terrible advice so far.
These can combine to get you 75 lbs of resistance for even compound lifts like presses or pull downs (use a door).
There are slightly more subtle resistance bands if you want, just do some searching.
Edit: Oops. Jimmies rustled. Sorry, I guess that dude is right, for MAD GAINZ you need the gym. If you want to do what you're describing and get some exercise and maybe some toning, try the bands.
I had the same issue but have strengthened my shoulder stability using these. There's a door anchor in the bag so you don't have to DIY anything.
Like many others have mentioned, I'd also recommend the resistance bands. I used them for a while and found them convenient for travel. I've since loaned them out to a friend who now uses them. I believe these are the bands I purchased.
I did p90x while travelling, using these. Even if you're not doing that program, these are a great way to strength train on the go. Weigh just a couple of pounds, and take up about as much room as a toiletries bag. I'm still travelling with them, and am running every other day, working out with these every other day. I like it to the point where I will probably keep that pattern going when the travels are through. :)
This is the best example I've seen of someone using bands to their max advantage: https://bretcontreras.com/band-glute-exercises-for-the-win-erin-mccombs-intriguing-training-methods/
However, she previously did regular lifting for a long while, I guess, so, not sure how well her results reflect the bands per se. But they didn't do nothing :)
I use bands because I'm working around injuries - that's why I had the other sets before, because of grip issues, and now I have a knee thing that doesn't feel good when it gets direct weight from above, and because I'd given my weights away (bc injuries), and there's no way I can get new ones up to my place. It takes no time at all to max out on a band set like this one, that's why I keep buying bands :) Although, hopefully, I now have enough to double/triple up.
If it's at all possible, I'd invest in free weights for home, honestly :/ The bands are pretty good, but I think they'll eventually wear out (and plates won't). I think I'm up to close to $200 CAD spent on bands, all told, so far. Not that much less than I spent on my old free weights.
That said, although I think there are subtle differences in how the weight kind of behaves, ultimately, resistance is resistance, and signs are pointing to failure being failure. (See e.g. some of the studies mentioned in this thread.)
The good things about bands are that they're light, portable, don't take up space, and you can use them in lots of ways (I am inspired by the creativity of the person I linked to above). Really versatile, great for people with injuries.
It's worth getting a big set with a lot of bands, with several handles and door anchors, so you don't have to keep switching them out, that's annoying with the small set I have. Like get something like this instead of the very cheapest version (which is what I got). At some point you'll probably want a few big looped bands like I just got - like these (for squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts). Couple of smaller looped bands would be good. (For that I am just using old cheap Therabands from physio that ended up snapping, or the flat bands I have, tied together. I am so cheap)
also, I got my big bands from a fitness depot type place, for about half the price of what was available on Amazon. i'm pretty sure that's also where my gym gets their crap, I think these are actually the bands they use, so they must be ok :)
You know those signs that used to be plastered everywhere that read 'Balance what you eat, drink, and do'? I've read those dozens of times, then while refueling my car, I saw it again and this time something just clicked.
I went to the grocery store, and loaded up on healthy food, went home and threw out all the junk, then bought some resistance bands from Amazon went to YouTube and subscribed to some beginner exercises, and the process began. About a month later, coworkers said I looked better somehow. That sealed the deal right there. I haven't looked back!
= )
I think those terms are used interchangeably depending on who you ask and the audience.
If carrying your baby more easily is something you’re interested in, I think what could be more beneficial is stronger shoulders. I have a toddler son now, and can relate to what you mean. 😊
IMO, one of the best investments in stronger shoulders are resistance band workouts you can do at home. You can buy a set from Amazon for cheap. They fit into door frames, so you can do them at home.
Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set with Door Anchor, Ankle Strap, Exercise Chart, and Carrying Case https://www.amazon.com/dp/7245456313
In terms of routine/programs, here’s a good one you can do. 5-10 minutes.
Yes definitely they are. There are many resistance bands available in the market like:
You should try one of these. They are the best in the market.
I personally like the ones with handles
Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set with Door Anchor, Ankle Strap, Exercise Chart, and Resistance Band https://www.amazon.com/dp/7245456313/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fP9dAb91FG97X
Handstand pushups, neutral grip pullup, behind the head pullups.
Highly recommend getting some bands though. These are the best I've had for just $20.00
Elastic bands got me to a level where the people where complimenting me even when I had long sleeves, can work out while watching Youtube, or in the breaks of writing a paper.
For routines I started with this guide and kept looking on the other exercises with cables and dumbbell and adapting for the bands.
On an important side note, did you checked your spine for deviations? Your alignment seems a lot like the younger me, and I'm really glad I started tackling the spine curves problem when I was young.
I'm a fan of elastic bands, it got me to the point where people were complementing on my phisique already, I mean complete strangers on night clubs. They costed me 25€ and I did on my room while browsing reddit, now I hitted a plateau so started the gym, but elastic bands can get you really good gainz and can be done anywhere, even in your room.
I bought this one, but don't recommend the door ankle (this would be ideal), everything else is top notch: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Mountain-Products-Resistance-Exercise/dp/7245456313/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1494955999&sr=8-5&keywords=black+mountain
Blog with idea for exercices: http://build-muscle-101.com/resistance-band-exercises/
That's a challenge, sorry I didn't address that. I just would strongly, strongly advise not rushing into some mad plyometrics or anything like that. I wish I could tell past me the same thing, it's so hard to heal after injury :/
I have IBS - I manage it with diet, but have seen that some use psyllium fiber supplements to help. If (like many here) you have IBS also, maybe that would assist with it? Because, psyllium fiber also apparently expands in the stomach. Which might cause some bloating but might also help you feel more full.
Can you get any protein into your carbs at all? Any protein would help with hunger. I sometimes have eggs with rice and a bit of soy sauce. Fried, but you could mix them in so they're less noticeable. Could do something similar with pasta. Greek yogurt? Cheese?
When I resistance bands, I use these bands. As well as bands like this, for squatting and hip hingeing movements, like this.
I had a ton of PT before I got into bands, and I really recommend it if you can find someone good. Having that guidance is helpful, especially if you have injuries.
For example, before I could really do a proper row, I had to understand how to engage my scapula, and do things like internal and external shoulder rotations. Before I could properly squat, I had to strengthen my quads and hamstrings in less challenging, more isolated movements.
Most people can get away just starting any program without that stuff, but prehab (and rehab, if applicable, as it always is for me) helps to activate stabilizers and is (imo) essential for people with hypermobility. One thing I've learned is that I just can't afford to do just any off the shelf program, without tailoring it to my needs and preparing for it. And being very careful about recovery, listening to my body.
I also found these videos from the EDNF helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LC-qUejV_A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU5KGVy6JeQ
Oh that sucks! My gym has a velcro ankle wrap attachment (also good for cable kickbacks)... I think ankle attachments like that are cheap; maybe you could ask the manager to get one? Or maybe pick one up yourself and take it with you (if you think you'd get use out of it)? Resistance bands are a great substitute, imo - I have some for use at home for this and many, many other exercises. (I use them for donkey kicks, hip thrusts - for this I attach them to the feet of my bed, with shoulders on the bed.) For hip thrusts, in a month, I went through (this)[http://www.amazon.com/Black-Mountain-Products-Resistance-Exercise/dp/7245456313/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1458082377&sr=1-1&keywords=black+mountain+resistance+bands) and this (looping bands around twice for some things, and tying them), need a pullup band setup now. But I use the bands for a million things, they're worth the small investment, imo.
I started my fitness journey years ago with pushups and situps at home. It can be a great way to get fitter! (These days, though, home workouts are my backup plan. Say it with me: three is two, two is one, one is none.)
Rowing exercises with tension bands can strengthen accessory muscles in the back. This may make the neck harder to injure, but I'd recommend getting the okay from a physician before working too much on a sore neck. In any case, it's definitely how I keep sitting at a desk from murdering my posture.
Though I don't own this particular brand, these look to be well-made. I like bands where the end of the band doesn't directly attach to the handle, but instead attaches to a nylon mounting for a clip. This minimizes the risk of breakage.
/r/bodyweightfitness likely gets this question pretty frequently, so searching or asking there will probably get you a lot more results, especially for substitute exercises.
For some of the stuff, you can substitute resistance bands for gym equipment.
For other stuff, you can see if your local park has one of those outdoor exercise stations.
its basically the same thing as http://crossoversymmetry.com/ but 1/10th the price.
i used to have terrible impingement issues with my shoulder and after a couple months of using that every day it made a world of difference
I use this one. It has an attachment that you close the door on and it works fantastic. As long as your door can latch close, loose hinges won't be a problem.
I can't help much with 1 & 2 but I think the FAQ over at /r/fitness has some info on it
EDIT: Here is some info on macros and calories: http://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/wiki/faq#wiki_diet_details
3) Jump right into it! some people repeat the first week so they can get accustomed to the workouts but I just kept going.
4) I workout in my dorm room for all of the workouts. I use these two products for everything: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/7245456313/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I would have got a door hanging pullup bar but the doors at my college have no door frames so I wouldnt be able to use them!
Just stick with it! Flex your abs and arms while doing Kenpo X, do pushups every time during yoga (you will understand what I mean when you do it), do you best and forget the rest!