Do you not realize that not all whites are the same? An average white guy would do worse in Asia than a above average Indian American guy with decent personality. Why do ppl act like just being white entitles you to stuff in Asia? If that was the case why do so many white men go to Asia to fuck prostitutes? If girls were so truly easy they would never have to pay.
And I think you said you went to Japan. Go read this book about a black dude who slept with tons of women in Japan, it's well known that Black dudes do well in Japan:
And finally "interest" means shit in Asia. Maybe local girls look at white dudes cause they haven't seen many before, it does not mean what it does in the west, that the girl is sexually interested in the guy.
>Is that controlled for population? You are aware the there are WAY more black people in America than asian right? Black people make up 10-12% of the US population, while asians make up 3-5%.
The objective of the census is to survey every person in a given population, in this case those who are residing in the United States. There are some exceptions, that is people whom the bureau can't or don't include (namely illegal immigrants and personnel currently serving in the military).
It's quite reasonable to have concerns about whether a census is a completely accurate representation of a given population. Although in the United States people are required by law to participate and can be fined if they don't. Understandably however this is difficult to enforce in reality, and they will inevitably end up missing some. But that doesn't mean the US census has no use as a resource; to think so would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
>The point is, interracial pairings of black and asian are more rare than they are not. So this whole fetishizing is false.
I agree with the black man-asian woman pairing being relatively uncommon in comparison to the ubiquitous white man/asian woman couple. However, in terms of marriage ratio the imbalance is actually more dramatic. White men married to asian women outnumbered their asian men, white women counterparts by a ratio of approximately 2.4:1. That's lower than the previous figure given for black-asian marriages.
It's not false, there are absolutely black men out there with yellow fever who fetishise asian women, and vice versa. (Examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
>Yeah, your right, my username IS highly appropriate here. I suspect I won't be seeing a response from you, you can go away, bye bye now.
Actually what happened was based on your opinion you stated you thought there were more asian men with black women couples than the reverse, which was shown to be incorrect. The census data may not be perfect but it carries much more weight and reliability behind it than simple anecdotes.
Check out Black Passenger Yellow Cabs.
The guy's YouTube channel where he talks about it a bit:
Have you ever been to Japan? Cocoajin and they get a LOT of love over there.
The issue you're talking about is more of an issue with American born Japanese women as they tend to be way more psychologically unstable than their native counterparts. I'm not trying to discredit you but my experience has been completely different.