In the middle of my book "Blindsided by the Taliban," there is a selection of my photos from Afghanistan.
So much shameless book whoring going on right now. It's almost embarrassing.
It was the actual ordnance, which is what makes it one of the more unusual injuries in modern warfare. It didn't go off when it hit me in the head, but ricocheted off my face and hit the platoon leader in the elbow.
It's all in my book (blatant book whoring) "Blindsided by the Taliban."
In my book, I describe it like getting hit in the head with a steel girder. Other apt analogies include getting cracked in the face with a lead pipe and having a roided-out Barry Bonds whack you with an aluminum bat.
I feel like there are enough of us in the RPG-close-call club to put together a really fun and raucous annual event. Someone on reddit needs to organize this.
Tell your buddy with the clipped ear I said hi and that I want to send to him a complimentary copy of my book.
I'm still in touch with those guys. In fact, I had lunch with Lt. Zotto, who took the rocket on the elbow after I deflected it with my face, back in May.
He's now a big-time lawyer in DC who I'm hoping will represent me pro bono when the lawsuits from my book start pouring in:
I actually get into my initial thoughts about rocking an eyepatch in my book "Blindsided by the Taliban."
There's a chapter in there called "Eyepatch porno fantasy."
Whew wee! That's tough question.
The long response would likely fill more pages than my book, which is a taught 240:
The short one? In hindsight, there was potentially a better way to go about that war without displacing the Taliban. Problem was, were the US to just go in and weed out Bin Laden and al Qaida, and leave the Taliban untouched, it wouldn't jive well with our whole "respect for human rights" thing. Then again, our ability to overlook that same hardline attitudes and actions in Saudi Arabia, which backed both Al Qaida and the Taliban, already contradicts that line.
Bottom line: I don't know.
Good thing I'm just a reporter and no one really listens to me anyway. I'd be a terrible global leader/decision maker.
Thanks man. I appreciate that and love not being dead as well. At the time, I was sure I was gonna be a grease spot on that dusty, narrow road in eastern Afghanistan.
Take care,
You betcha. Get yours right here:
IamA Author of critically acclaimed book "Blindsided by the Taliban." AMA!
My short bio: While embedded with US forces in eastern Afghanistan, journalist Carmen Gentile suffered one of the most unusual injuries in the annals of modern warfare when he was struck in the side of the head with a rocket-propelled grenade, shattering bones in his face and blinding him in one eye. His new book "Blindsided by the Taliban" is a dark-humored, self-deprecating account of his injury and effort to overcome his physical and psychological wounds.
My Proof:
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No. That was me having such a hinky vibe about being there that I didn't hear him right.
Check out this excerpt from my book "Blindsided by the Taliban."
To buy the book: