This is a promotional article for Don Tapscott's new book out today.
Don Tapscott has written a couple of insightful books in the past. I'll give this book a listen on Audible and see if there's anything profound there. The amazon listing already has endorsements from Steve Wozniak, Marc Andreesen, Clay Christensen and Dan Shulman.
You should check out this book
It’ll really change your perspective. Blockchain is here to stay!! I’ll tell you that
For example, Adweek and Flixel are using Adbank’s pilot program to put ads on the Blockchain and eliminate 3rd parties.
So much is happening, it’s overwhelming sometimes.
Basically every cryptobro for the past 10 years
I was mining bitcoin over 10 years ago after reading the original whitepaper. You're probably the 1000th person who's assumed I don't know how it works even though I have more hands-on experience with it than just about anybody I've ever talked to about it.
This is a good read
Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World
Virtually any company that acts as a middle man between the customer and the service or product risks elimination because of blockchain or some other P2P solution. For example, Open Bazaar could replace eBay. Other companies like AirBnB, Uber, Lyft, and so on are nothing more than services that connect people with products or services. They can all be replaced with blockchain or P2P services, with almost all the money going straight to the service or product maker/creator. As I write this, there are already blockchain startups working on solutions to replace Uber using Ethereum's blockchain for payment.
People do not yet know how valuable their assets really are in the sharing economy. The current sharing economy has the same old business models charging ridiculous fees (AirBnB and eBay, for example) to connect their assets to people. The sharing economy will endure, but the middlemen will not. And I'm not just talking about services, I'm talking about social media as well. Facebook faces a very real threat from blockchain, though I think they do not fully realize it yet. 10 years from now instead of Facebook selling your privacy; it will be up to you on whether or not you'd like to sell your privacy to advertising and marketing companies. People do not yet realize how valuable their information is; right now they apparently think it isn't valuable at all. But that will change with blockchain... And don't even get me started with money. Those pieces of paper in your wallet that currently only have value because we perceive them to have value? Say goodbye to them. Digital money is coming and it isn't in the form of USD. It's in the form of cryptocurrencies.
Recommended reading:
Recommended viewing:
If you think I'm crazy, then consider this, this, this, this, and especially this. And I'm just scratching the surface on big companies that are already using blockchain.
Don't say no one told ya so :)