Yes, it is worth it. If you are struggling, check out the official strategy guide. Not only it is superbly made with tons of good inforamation, it has a "free" theme that is stunningly good.
/r/huntersbell is a good place to find cooperators who will help you.
In addition, you will get better and better at the game thus deaths will be rarer and you will learn to not mind so much.
Unfortunately the interview was in the Future Press strategy guide (here's a link to the book's Amazon page) so to my knowledge there isn't an online interview to link to. The images that Estaim posted appear to be from the guide.
that's official guide if I'm not mistaken.
And you will deal more damage with paper obviously, but for example against Amelia it's pretty much doubling damage but against him it's like 20-ish% boost. Perfectly useful but it's not a game changer
You might be interested in the collector's edition strategy guide, then. Supposed to feature tons of art, a Bestiary, lore index, etc.
I'm personally going to buy the collectors and then just buy FuturePress' Bloodborne Guide since it'll work out a bit cheaper than buying just Nightmare edition. This way, I'll have 2 books full of Bloodborne information and art.
The wiki and the guide book are great resources if you are like me, a fifth casual. The latter even has a cool PS4 theme.
You can do it: git gud.
If I managed, then you should have no problems whatsoever.
/r/huntersbell can give you some help too.
The real wiki is a fantastic trove of information. It is accurate.
The Bloodborne Collectors Edition Strategy Guide is clearly the best thing and is really nice to look at. It comes with a nice PS4 theme. Sadly, the DLC one is now out of print and goes to silly money.
Title | Bloodborne, Let's Talk Lore #19: The Fishing Hamlet (w/ Jerks Sans Frontieres) |
Description | See below for navigation timestamps, links, and references: 0:01:20 – Intro ends 0:02:10 – Valtr, Beast Eater? 0:06:30 – Adeline 0:09:00 – Lumenwood Gardens 0:11:20 – Lady Maria of the Astral Clock Tower 0:19:15 – Rare Gehrman dialogue 0:27:50 – Fishing Hamlet 0:55:15 – Brador, Church Assassin 1:10:25 – Parasite Farm 1:28:00 – Orphan of Kos 1:42:00 – Gehrman’s suffering 1:47:20 – Whale worship and Kos 1:50:00 – The Great Ones as “sympathetic in spirit” 1:58:20 – The Surgery Altar 2:04:38 – Menstrual blood debunked? 2:08:00 – Temporally-distinct Grand Cathedrals 2:11:57 – Bloodletting explained in depth 2:28:30 – Who are the Church Servants/Giants? 2:33:40 – Maria’s picture frame 2:40:31 – Do Great Ones have genders? 2:52:25 – “Fear the Thirst for Blood” vs. “Seek the Old Blood” Bloodborne, Let’s Talk Lore series playlist: Supplemental NPC dialogue courtesy MoonlightButterfly: Aegon of Astora. “Bloodborne Cinematic Lore: Gehrman, the First Hunter”: JSF’s YouTube Channel: Aegon of Astora. “Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (SPOILERS): That sounded awfully familiar ...”: Jerks Sans Frontieres. “Addendum: Accurate Astral Clock Face”: Wikimedia Commons. “Prague Astronomical Clock Face”: Redgrave. “The Little Things in Yharnam: Oedon”: Wikimedia Commons. “Bishop Fish”: Monster Brains. “Thing That Drifted Ashore (Scanlation)”: Junji Ito Wiki. “Thing That Drifted Ashore”: Adamkranz. “A Closer Look at Later Areas”: Redgrave. “The Little Things in Yharnam: The Hunter’s Origin”: U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Johannes de Ketham - Fasiculo de Medicina”: Wikimedia Commons. “Points used in bloodletting”:,_newlich_getruckt_Wellcome_L0031659.jpg Redgrave. "The Paleblood Hunt (Definitive Edition)": Future Press. “Bloodborne Collector’s Edition Strategy Guide” (non-affiliate link): Future Press. “Bloodborne The Old Hunters Collector's Edition Guide” (non-affiliate link): |
Length | 2:57:04 |
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Despite Amazon saying the reprint of the Collector's Guide will be release on April 30th, Lobosjr has stated it's at the beginning of May, FYI.
Here are the Amazon Smile links: is the main game walkthrough...
There is a strategy guide
And also wiki site
Only advice....don't quit. And welcome aboard, hunter.
Is it this one? Thread made me want a copy.
I am currently in same spot, but a bit earlier in the game, and I too was thinking of rolling a new character. I was planning of running an arcane build since there was a very in-depth guide posted recently. I also bought the Collectors Edition Guide and it was well worth the money with loads of tips and ways to progress the story, quests, etc, so I suggest getting that. It has everything you need and the design + artwork is amazing (plus you get a spiffy PS4 theme to use!).
Probably this one.
Mine is preparing to ship as I type, this page says in stock
For lore check out epic name bro on YouTube. If you want a book preorder the strategy guide
Edit: YouTube link for ENB:
And guide:
Or you could just buy him the official guide which looks pretty bad ass and probably has more comprehensive information and interesting lore points.