Thanx, I have actually read it and I think it's great but this one is even better and it explains so clearly exact connection to the rulers of today:
I congratulate you on this analysis, very thorough, but when you dig even deeper, you realize how big that club is and how sick their agendas are.
All these families are connected and all are related to the English royal family, that is why every president of America and the presidents of all other Commonwealth countries, and some other countries, must bow down and swear allegiance to the Queen (king) of England.
Although their origins date back to the time of Babylon, they still managed to stay in power for all this time, Anderson Peterhaper explained it best in his book Blue Blood Secret, how they came to power and how they stayed for so long and where they are today.
You will see that in all positions in power, are all relatives of the same blood line,, not only in America but in most countries in general.
Yeah, I mentioned about their name on a large variety of spices, but you can find their symbols or their name on all major city's, rivers, states, and of course on peoples names as well. Of cours they all comm from that tribe of Dan or Don, like for example Don-ald Trump, or in war in Ukraine for example Dan-bass, and Don-jeck, and so on. They have bean hiding and exposing at a same time, hard to explain, check by yourself. Or read this book(it's free):