Well. First we have to be vocal to the public. Educate the people around you and get them to educate the people around them.
Read this and share it. We have to use their tactics against them. Other than that, I’m not sure. I’ve just been telling everyone I know about this stuff hoping to turn some liberal minds into conservative minds.
The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado (and Why Republicans Everywhere Should Care) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1936218003/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3CFG2611Y85JVT1N92KM
If you are interested in a somewhat biased read, check out The Blueprint: How The Democrats Won Colorado sometime. It's a pretty interesting read if you're at all invested in politics.
This year, I read this book: The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado. As a native Coloradan, I know how it's very much a purple state, and I was curious about how Democrats had taken over so much of the political body in such a short time. It turns out you were actually a central figure in this event.
I was disappointed to learn that this "master strategy" was simply to pool money and use campaign finance reform to throw money at elections and outspend the GOP. One example in particular stood out, when the book described how you decided you needed a particular district to swing the legislature to Democrats, and so you lied to voters about their representative:
> Although internally Roundtable members described [GOP rep] Johnson as “a moderate,” their eventual strategy would focus on painting her as an extreme conservative. This was necessary, a Roundtable memo noted, because the Democratic challenger, Green, was not “a very strong candidate.” “We’re going to have to put all the focus on Johnson,” they concluded. That meant going negative.
According to the book, you were later involved with a group that filed frivolous lawsuits against Republican candidates to prevent them from focusing on their own campaigns.
I see you mention how you're not beholden to special interests, but that point seems moot. From what I read, you used your personal fortune to reshape the state legislature to your own preferences, which is antithetical to the principals of democracy. And I doubt that bipartisanship something you're interested in for the long term. I believe your focus remains on making Colorado permanently blue, which would obviate the need reach across the aisle in a meaningful way.
That said, my question is what's your campaign pitch for someone who is deeply skeptical of your concern for the rights and concerns of people outside the Democratic party? Can you give me an example of a time when you sided against mainstream Democrats on an important issue?
It is no accident. The state has been actively targeted by the Democratic National Party.