Replace the chicken with homemade seitan. You can get a 4-pack of vital wheat gluten on Amazon for a little more than $5/bag.
They're talking about wheat gluten flour, which is basically regular flour with the starch rinsed out so only the protein remains. A lot of mock meats are made from it. You can find it at pretty much any health food store, but also on Amazon!
Yeah this is true if you buy just plain vital wheat gluten; it may well be that there are seitan mixes with other things added to them for flavor. I always make seitan with this stuff, which is 0mg.
Assuming you don't have Celiac disease or something, I highly recommend seitan. I bought this stuff, and it gives me about 80 grams of protein per dollar. It's about 75-80% protein so even a small portion of it is low in calories and has a ton of protein. It's quite filling as well.
I made my own. I used Bob's Red Mill brand gluten flour. The recipe:
Ways to sex it up: olives, soy sauce, misc spices (garam masala + chili power is good), nutritional yeast, onions, cheese. I think you get the idea. If Splenda doesn't take you out of keto, you can also go the cinnamon+nutmeg+Splenda route and have something kind of French toast-like.
I did a similar analysis once, and I remember finding out that the cheapest and highest density protein is gluten/seitan.
Hey, sorry guys. I posted this pretty late; in the midst of my food coma I fell asleep! Please enjoy the recipe.
For the seitan: I followed this recipe pretty much all the way. For convenience:
Ingredients list:
Note: This yields ~184 grams of protein. I quartered the loaf and served myself portions of 46g protein. Also, I have tried to make seitan in the past, maybe 4 times, by boiling it and then frying it. It would always turn out way too tough and I never enjoyed it. This recipe might seem like too much liquid at first, but it is the perfect amount for tender, juicy seitan. I will be using this one for a long time.
*Edited for clarity
My wife and I have ordered it from Amazon. I think its more expensive than you would find in a supermarket, but if you can't find it near you, this may be an option.
Here's Mary's Test Kitchen's seitan playlist (the playlist is ordered by date so the videos towards the end are probably better)
Making seitan from flour isn't a great idea, it's kinda time consuming, IIRC about the same price since you throw away part of the flour in the process (keeping only the gluten), you're better off getting "vital wheat gluten" from amazon
What I do is that I always have a batch of seitan in the freezer and I take from that when I need some, and make some more (of a different kind) when I'm almost out of it
This is the best deal I know of. $18 for enough gluten to make 16+ loafs
I will echo what kane2742 said about buying things on Amazon, specifically with wheat gluten. I keep an eye on the prices because they have a tendency to fluxuate (I'm ambivalent to brands) and have been getting my wheat gluten on Amazon for much cheaper than the store. I was doing a subscribe and save for a while, until the price went up a few dollars and I de-subscribed, but I just resubscribed for this one.
Or you could buy it super in bulk for even cheaper. We just don't have the space.