I've never tried it, but I know my FLGS sells super glue solvent next to their racks of super glue. Maybe give that a shot?
It's this stuff- https://www.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-Industries-161-UN-CURE/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1483627453&sr=8-3&keywords=super+glue+solvent
Bob smith industries prob has some super glue remover.
I’ve used BSI for 20-25yrs.
Bob Smith Industries Debonder
Maybe CA Debonder?
Look for Bob Smith Industries Debonder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_ZJ5MBN50H79Q2EDHG3DY
Worth trying for $8
Bob Smith Industries Debonder https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_DGTHMKA9GX1JGHDQ9NFP
You need CA Debonder
Lol so do Amazon, walmart, and hardware stores. Don’t clog the ERs haha.
Bob Smith Industries Debonder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T1H01YZ7J7B9GQ5NPYG4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There’s some formulated solutions for removing super glue from things. Bob Smith Industries Debonder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8268458K1JD4SQJ128AN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Alright so after seeing numerous posts about how big of a nightmare removing this barrel nut is, I was pretty nervous to try it. I had success removing it and wanted to share my technique in hopes that it can help others in tackling this dreaded nut.
The tools I used were as follows:
Hair dryer
[Bob industries debonder](https://www.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-Industries-BSI-161-Debonder/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=debonder&qid=1610757271&sr=8-3)
[HBI barrel nut tool](https://hbindustries.net/store/shop/cz-scorpion-barrel-nut-tool/)
[Harbor freight torque wrench](CjwKCAiAouD_BRBIEiwALhJH6G7QPcANZyzJbCh1XBUEf843H_JizQZrZ0SOnsW1z4w312EMeWOBqxoCfOQQAvD_BwE)
The first thing I did was apply Bob Industries debonder. I ordered it off Amazon for around $6. I stood the Scorpion up, barrel up, and applied the debonder. I made sure the debonder was applied completely around the surface where the nut met the barrel. I leaned the scorpion against a wall and let it sit upright for around 30 minutes to let the debonder seep downwards and begin working. After 30 minutes, I then added more of the debonder and let it sit for another 5 min. I don’t have a heat gun and didn’t feel like buying one so instead I plugged in my girlfriends hair dryer, set it on high, and applied heat to the barrel for 5-10 min. You’ll be able to feel the barrel getting hot. While the barrel was still hot. I then attached the HBI industries barrel nut removal tool to a torque wrench that I got from Harbor Freight. I originally didn’t have a wrench that fit a 1/2” socket so I had to go pick one up. It cost me $11.99 after applying an online coupon I found on their website. I feel this step was key. For a quick physics lesson, the equation for Torque = Force x Radius x Sin(Theta). Since we’re applying force at 90 degrees Sin(90) is 1, so Torque is then equal to the Force x Radius. This means that the you’ll get more torque by applying the same amount of force on a longer wrench compared to a shorter one. So the longer the wrench, the better. I think this helped a lot since the 3/8” wrench I had was much shorter than the one I used. I didn’t have a vise. I just set a towel down on the carpet, laid the scorpion on top, held it down with my knee and began cranking on the wrench to get the nut off. I was actually surprised it came off pretty easily. After removing the nut I could see the nut was completely caked in Loctite. It was also starting to dissolve so I believe the debonder was working and the heat from the blowdryer likely helped speed up the chemical process. Maybe I just had an easy one but as you can see in the pic, there was definitely caked on there. This is what worked for me so hopefully it can help others getting their dreaded barrel nut off.
Heat gun. Shield the part you want to keep down. When you get it warm enough, the wire will come out very easily. Let it cool and then make sure it's not loose where you want it glued down. You can reglue that part if you need to. There is an actual CA debonder, for example: https://smile.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-Industries-BSI-161-Debonder/dp/B0000DD1QS/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=CA+debonder&qid=1594994560&sr=8-4
Debonder. You can get it at any hobby store or from Amazon.
I've had good luck with http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-161-Un-Cure-1oz/dp/B0000DD1QS