I have a pair of the Body Wrappers Dance Pants and I love them. You can't beat the price compared to the other brands and my only issue is that they do not have any pockets. They weigh about 1 oz more than ones for 4 times the price.
Okay so right now your BW is ~16lbs without Sierra stuff. Let's dive in.
Drop the footprint, get some 1.5mil polycro for cowboy camping/ keep your tent cleaner when camping on soggy ground
You mentioned that you were unlikely to change up your pad setup in your post. You are bringing a full size Zlite, by chopping it in half or even 1/4 its current size you could save ~10oz and still retain enough CCF for your lower back support
Your bladder weighs more than three water bottles
Your backup water treatment is heavier than your Squeeze. If this is truly a backup, aquatabs are much lighter
Drop the event stuff sack and replace with a compactor bag
DCF is a terrible fabric for a food bag but if you already have one, bring some repair tape and treat it delicately
Your FAK looks heavy considering what you are actually carrying. How much of that 6oz is packaging material?
Carried clothing looks fine. I personally prefer fleece midlayers over merino but w/e. UL Wind pants
Hiking shirt and sun hoodie? Pick one and leave the other behind. My vote is to keep the sun hoodie, the first ~1200 miles of the PCT have a lot of sun exposure and the second half isn't that much better.
Swap your gaiters for a pair of Dirty Girl gaiters. Those OR ones are overkill
How do you plan to pack out your TP?
Bring only one sunscreen stick. You can find more in towns along the trail
Head net and picaradin wipes can be mailed to yourself inside your bear can
If you could swap your inReach Explorer for the mini you could save 6oz
Nitecore NB10k for powerbank
Nitecore NU25 for a USB rechargable headlamp
Swap out that SAK for the smallest one (Victorinox Classic). All you really need are the scissors
Drop the duct tape and just carry more tenacious tape