I think anxiety can effect a relationship, if you do not let your partner know (and it is negatively effect you two as a team). Now, I don’t think you ‘need’ to tell your partner every single little internal detail about your heart, as some LDR’s don’t have the communication luxury of this. But, if your anxiety is causing “something” that your partner can maybe ease with a question answered, then I would say go ahead and have this conversation. I typically worry more in my LDR when I have something I want to say or need validated on a subject and maybe don’t want to ask for that reassurance. I have anxious tendencies, but personally in my case I get “body anxiety” I don’t know the right way to explain it but my head doesn’t fill with anxiety and worry, I just feel it in my body which sucks because sometimes my head knows, “everything is going to be okay”, but my body feels a little different. When I get this physical anxiousness, I know it’s time to tell my boyfriend and let him reassure me of the things, I may have let myself manifest naturally. The tips and tricks I have listed, are simply things I try to live by, but that doesn’t mean I always execute them with precision.
I will say that I have bought myself a ring to lessen my physical anxiousness, it’s called a anxiety relief band on Amazon by “the Boho-Magic store”—-as much as that names sounds novelty it’s actually a beautifully crafted ring I wear everyday. I’ve had it for maybe 3 weeks and I do find it very useful. It’s essentially a “fidget” spinning ring with three bands around it. When I feel myself reaching this point, I will play with the ring and it helps me focus a bit better on the real root at hand! (see that pun I added)
This is the link for the product for anyone why might be interested:
Boho-Magic 925 Sterling Silver Spinner Flowers Ring for Women Fidget Anxiety Relief Ring Band https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NCZV5MM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2LjDFb3PAQZ5R