I had a ficus that I thought was a gonner due to scale insects. Local nursery recommended this spray. I used it every 2-3 days and it ended up saving the plant. It's well on it's to becoming a full on tree now.
If yes, those are mealy bugs. I would take a paper towel and wipe off any bugs you can find and then use a product like Bon Neem to treat your plant. You can also use a home made solution of dish soap and water, but obviously that's going to be less effective (though if you have pets or children that like to eat your plants, it's a safer choice).
Yes, that sticky substance is basically a type of sap/nectar that is used to trigger ants. its a bit of a defense mechanism where a plant will secret the substance that ants have evolved to eat and possibly eat other bugs on the plant that is secreting the nectar.
However lots of studies have shown that a plant that is not in a defensive state can be triggered if it senses specific chemicals from other plants in the area. It can also be triggered based on certain concentrations of fertilizers and light levels. So EFN doesn't always mean something bad and many philos are prone to heavy EFN production.
I took a look at the other pic and to be safe, treat it with something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001D10EQA? for now and then again in a few weeks and then apply this every 3ish month https://www.amazon.com/Bonide-Product-951-Systemic-Control
I still think its just heavy EFN, especially if you rub it and nothing comes off but better safe than sorry.