Hi Everyone!
I have a beautiful Plectranthus Ernstii (bonsai mint) that I've been growing for several months and lately, it's leaves have started having a purple tint.
I'm incredibly new to caring for plants and want to use this oppurtunity to describe my current growing habits and context!!
I've been reviewing all the information I could find on the internet, but I've generally found vague info. Here's the main resource: http://pza.sanbi.org/plectranthus-ernstii
- I've cared for my bonsai mint for close to 6 months.
- I live in Seattle, so not a ton of sunshine, but he lives within a foot of the window and it's getting ready to be summer so long days and lot's of sun ahead.
- I water about once a week by adding about a 1/4 inch of water to the plate he lives on. Water get's soaked up over time.
- He's living in the mixed/rocky soil I got him in originally.
- He seems to be doing fine, but his leaves are turning purple??? The leaves that are ~less~ in the sun appear to be greener.
- He's had leaves seemingly dry out and fall off?
- Why are leaves turning purple??
- Am I overwatering? Underwatering? I'm confused by the internet which says that they are both water hogs and don't need a lot of water? I'm worried about the leaves falling off.
- I just bought some official bonsai soil. I see 'fast-draining' everywhere and 'humus-rich' and thisbrand seemed to do the job. Is this sufficient?
- I haven't observed any flowers and it's been a few months! Am I doing something wrong?
Would greatly appreciate any help :) I love this plant and want him to do well!
Hi Everyone!
I have a beautiful Plectranthus Ernstii (bonsai mint) that I've been growing for several months and lately, it's leaves have started having a purple tint.
I'm incredibly new to caring for plants and want to use this oppurtunity to describe my current growing habits and context!!
I've been reviewing all the information I could find on the internet, but I've generally found vague info. Here's the main resource: http://pza.sanbi.org/plectranthus-ernstii
* I've cared for my bonsai mint for close to 6 months.
* I live in Seattle, so not a ton of sunshine, but he lives within a foot of the window and it's getting ready to be summer so long days and lot's of sun ahead.
* I water about once a week by adding about a 1/4 inch of water to the plate he lives on. Water get's soaked up over time.
* He's living in the mixed/rocky soil I got him in originally.
* He seems to be doing fine, but his leaves are turning purple??? The leaves that are ~less~ in the sun appear to be greener.
* He's had leaves seemingly dry out and fall off?
* Why are leaves turning purple??
* Am I overwatering? Underwatering? I'm confused by the internet which says that they are both water hogs and don't need a lot of water? I'm worried about the leaves falling off.
* I just bought some official bonsai soil. I see 'fast-draining' everywhere and 'humus-rich' and this (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KSJ9WJ6/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) brand seemed to do the job.Is this sufficient?
* I haven't observed any flowers and it's been a few months! Am I doing something wrong?
Would greatly appreciate any help :) I love this plant and want him to do well!