Not quite sure what you mean by not being to put the arc in front, since you’ve not provided pictures or mode of your TV. But I do know that some people have LG OLEDs with a stand that isn’t high and most sound bars would obstruct the bottom of the TV screen as well as the IR port. Perhaps something like this would help?
Muss es 90° sein?
Ich habe einen wahrscheinlich ähnlichen use case und habe diesen Standfuß
Damit kann ich den TV entsprechend nach links zum Esstisch drehen oder nach rechts zum Sofa.
N o with the original support.
I've moved the TV with another support and have like 10 more distance to it\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o06\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 would something like this be safe for a 48 inch oled, it seems like it would give me a lot more space/movement