Its a decent price performance spot. That said if you arent afraid of used there are a few HD 558s on amazon for about the same price. Those would be out the SHP9500 any day. And there are lock in mic cords for the HD 558.
One last bother, sorry for the questions. I've settled on the HD99's, do you think getting this mic could work? My only hesitation with the Mod mic is that I don't have separate microphone and headphone jacks- it's combined. Do splitters that combine them degrade quality at all? Is there a specific splitter brand I should goto?
Below is the link. It’s a cheaper mic, but it actually works well. Everyone says they hear me loud and clear. Build quality is just okay. I’m on my second one, had to replace it after 1.5 years... but for $15 it does the job just fine.
Edit: more specifically on build quality the cord is actually pretty good, it’s the volume adjuster that broke fairly easily
NO. They are great sounding headphones but nooooo on gaming. Nope. 598s are fine. You'll have to get a 2.5mm mic for the proprietary screw and lock headphone jack. I recommend the one from Ketdirect.
Boom Microphone Universal Volume for gaming PS4 Xbox One PC Laptop iphone Android phone to Sennheiser HD598 HD558 HD518 Audio-Technica ATH-M50x ATH-M40x ATH-M70x Headphone with 2.5mm jack(150CM-Black)
I use this on my 518s.
Boom Microphone Universal Volume for gaming PS4 Xbox One PC Laptop iphone Android phone to Sennheiser HD598 HD558 HD518 Audio-Technica ATH-M50x ATH-M40x ATH-M70x Headphone with 2.5mm jack(150CM-Black)
Yes I do, and no it will not. There is a similar product that is compatible, but the Amazon reviews are not stellar. I believe that there is a way to use the Boompro, but it involves adapters and a minor modification to the headphones, so I do not feel it is worthwhile but I am going to mention it for the sake of being thorough.
For voice chat a headphone mounted boom mic is ideal since the sound you get won't change if you move your head. The Antlion Modmic series is nice.
You can get an inline boom mic too, can be a bit loose though and swing around.
Maybe that can be a future upgrade for me, I've seen this from Canadian retailers such as though I didn't realize that it was HD 598 compatible. I wouldn't expect the mic quality to live up to the BoomPro.
For anyone interested in using these for gaming but needs a mic, I'm just gonna leave this right here
Been working great for me for about 2 months.
Thanks so much man! I was completely stumped because of the stupid proprietary locking mechanism. Right now I'm in the process of building a PC and as such do not have money to use on mic for my desktop.
I would want to use a cord with a microphone attachment on it for gaming at home. I can't seem to find connector information, do you know if this cord would work?
I use the HD558 with a Blue Yeti as my primary gaming comms.
I use the HD558 with this cable/mic combo ( while on the go with LAN parties, or traveling with the laptop.
The HD558 are about as good a sound as you'll get right out of a computer/phone/MP3 player without the added hassle of a stand alone amp.
This With m50x might work
You guys told me to buy a headset with an external mic instead of a cheesy gaming headset. So i bought this one..
But i dont know how to set it up. Any help?
You don't have to mod anything to get the modmic working, you just attach it to the side with some included adhesive andplug it into the mic input on your pc. If you dont want to glue anything to the side of your headphones you could get this boom mic since it justs connect the same way as your old cable. I have this mic myself and it's pretty nice and much cheaper than a modmic. I have blue switches and it doesnt pick up the sound from them.
Any kind of desktop mic would work :P
I have read good things about the Ketdirekt Boom Mic.
I'm using one of their 3 button speak easy cables with my V-Moda XS. The cable is reasonably well made for the price and works pretty well. Mic quality is ok ofr voice chat and ingame banter, but don't expect to be recording podcasts with it.
598s can have their lock modded to accept a standard plug. Alternatively, another redditor pointed me to this, which accommodates the lock.
Boom Microphone Universal Volume for gaming PS4 Xbox One PC Laptop iphone Android phone to Sennheiser HD598 HD558 HD518 Audio-Technica ATH-M50x ATH-M40x ATH-M70x Headphone 150/200cm (150CM-Black)
If you go the boom mic route you'll have to mod them to remove the locking mechanism (which is easy) and get a little cheap adapter, assuming they still have the sennheiser proprietary lock. If you don't want to do that then you can get these
Check this one out. Amazon link.
I have one of these universal mics (sorry for Canadian links) fit with a decent cheap external sound adapter to eliminate motherboard noise, and make it more portable.
The sound quality is on the low-end of "good enough" for gaming. I have a Samson C01u for when I must be heard correctly.
Here's a link to it on Amazon
Should this work?
Audio Technica m40x and as for a mic you'll need this but it's totally worth it. Outstanding mic on par with Modmic and V Moda Boom Pro.
Thanks for your comments.
I get the feeling that Astro headsets are streamerbait.
I'd been interested to try Hyper X as I'd heard good things, but I was really persuaded by your idea of external mic.
The CB-1 is a little tricky to get in Australia. I've found that I might be able to get the Audio Technica ATH-M40x for a similar price. They are apparently a similar, possibly higher quality beast according to one thing I read.
What are your thoughts on that as a substitute?
Edit: Read your stickied thread and I saw you had the M40x listed as "Full recommendation". Is it boompro compatible??
Edit2: Looks like no. Mods required.
Edit3: relevant thread for posterity.
Edit4: A mic that might work with it, but seems like its crap quality. Link
I use the Bose QC35 with this:
Turns the Bose wireless headphones into a wired Bose headset.
Sound leak isn't a problem with open headphones and microphones.
Sennheiser HD518/558/598 or HD559/579/599. Buy whatever is cheapest.
You could try this. Lots of mixed reviews though.
maybe you want to try one of these?
I've got a mic 2.5mm to 3.5mm that can be used with the Senneheiser HD5-- line and the Audio Technica M--x line or any other headphone or input with a 2.5mm female port. Here are the amazon pages for each:
The 1.5m cable is brand new. The mic has been used a couple times, but it's in perfect working condition. $20 for both.
Just wanted to say if you don't have a mic for them, you could add these Boom mic for Senn. 518--598 and ATH m50x and 40x
The arctis 3 is open back?
I'd suggest the Sennheiser HD558 + and you can get a pair of IEMs like the Tennmak Pro for public use.
OP see rule 4
please remove evrything in your amazon link after "" and I'll reinstate your post.
:P good to know. I'm returning the BoomPro and getting this instead. Think it's a better decision?