I was using this amazon mic before with the m50x. It sounded terrible. Reports from my gaming friends say it sounds much better. The noise gate seems to work much better too, as they cant hear my wife typing across the room like they could with the old setup. I'll do some proper recording samples and see what I can hear - will report back!
What a nice and detailed review. They're also available on Amazon if you don't want to wait for the eBay shipping from Asia. They're what I've been recommending people with Sennheisers or ATH M40x/50x
PS. Your voice is quite soothing.
>nice to block out the wife when gaming lol
Sounds like you're digging your own grave :P
I'd recommend trying out the ATH M40x. It's a great value headphone and whilst soundstage isnt exactly wide with default pads (many people replace them for Brainwavz HM5 pads which are not cheap), they isolate well and sound great. Don't be afraid to take advantage of Amazon Warehouse deals for a lower price(usually $60-70 in excellent condition) but will need to be quick since they're a popular product.
As for the mic, they're direct plug and play with this boom mic.
They make a generic $20 mic similar to the BoomPro with the 2.5mm plug on Amazon.
I can't find the exact link right now, but here's something different.
I can't say anything about the quality of the audio but there is stuff out there.
Y'a aussi ce micro jack compatible avec le 558 :
Probablement la solution la moins chère, équivalente du V-Moda BoomPro que j'ai sur mon casque.
X2 has a 3.5mm jack so yes, boom pro. Although I have to say the Sennheiser HD 599 are WAY better and more comfortable. You'll have to buy a proprietary mic with a 2.5mm headphone jack. Still about as good as the V Moda. Maybe even the same quality. Listen to some sound demos.
Boom Microphone Universal Volume for gaming PS4 Xbox One PC Laptop iphone Android phone to Sennheiser HD598 HD558 HD518 Audio-Technica ATH-M50x ATH-M40x ATH-M70x Headphone with 2.5mm jack(200CM-Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IRCXC9S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_QqebCb866PFMJ
Just found this guy. Odds this is decent quality and won't affect the sound quality?
Can you give the game 0 and hd599 a rating 1-10 purely for fps gaming (fun and competitive)
Would it just be easier to buy this and return the V-Moda? I ask because I want to use my headphones away from the PC and I just got my V-Modas. Only other concern is sound quality.
Those adapters are fine for mic input, I was just saying that particular one is a bit overpriced, but that's Antlion for you...
Lapel mics can be quite good, eg. Sony ECMCS3 or Zalman ZM-Mic1.
There are cheaper desktop mics that are still quite nice, like Blue Snowball.
You can get a headset but ofc that would mean giving up the HD598, and usually gaming headsets are not particularly great for music. For the sake of completion I will note though that Sennheiser PC360 is not bad (on par with HD5*5*8 actually).
There's also the V-Moda BoomPro, which plugs into 3.5mm, so you can try to use a 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter. But be careful what you get, not sure if it's the adapters or the HD598 plug/locking ring, but lots of people report connectivity cuts out from time to time.
Last but not least there's this mic which is similar to the BoomPro but with 2.5mm and iffy reviews.
Doesn't the SR come with a mic?
If not there is a Sennheiser specific mic cord you can buy for the 598 variants. I got this one. Works fine. There are a bunch, some others might be cheaper at the moment.
Phillips SHP9500S: $50 + Vmoda Boompro: $30 = $80
Sennheiser HD558: $80 or less if you're patient + this boom mic: $22 = ~$100
Logitech G633: ~$75
What is your point?
I currently have the DT770s at work and love them. I also have the Logitech G930 wireless gaming headset, but I'm beginning to hate it. Beyond the constant random disconnects from the wireless, the sound just isn't that impressive.
I'm looking to spend <$250 for headphones + mic. I plan on buying the Micca Orgien+ separately as I buy some new desktop speakers (currently planning on the MB42x, but that's a separate discussion).
I'm not super experienced in all of this, so I'm unsure if there's anything else I need to buy. I really like the DT990s, and then I'll need a mic to hook up, too. On the other hand, it seems like it would be easier to just get an HD598 and the mic that attaches in-line.
I love bassy "fun" sounds, which is why I think I would like the DT990 better, but my biggest worry is that it may be annoying hooking the headphones into the Origen+ and stringing a mic along separately to plug directly into the computer. What do you think would work better for me?
Wireless headphones aren't recommended on this sub usually due to latency issues for gaming (at least with bluetooth), and poor audio quality (applies for all wireless products).
You'd want to be looking into something like a Sennheiser HD558/598 which pairs directly with a plug in mic like this one. (easier and cleaner than pairing with an Antlion modmic).
The cable clips help little but it still comes with annoyances. Pretty expensive for the price as well. The boom mic is a cheaper more elegant solution for the HD558.
The cans arrive with two cables. The short one has built in micro (like any headphones for mobile). I suppose this can work, but I didn't test it yet.
Also, my approach is to get a boom mod mic to add it. Best is Antlion, but it's too expensive here (80€), you also have V-moda and KetDirect. I bought the KetDirect (they have one specific model that works with HD598), but It arrive damaged, so I had to return it (25€). I will probably rebuy it very soon.
Edit: I was talking about this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IRCXC9S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_kFrazb6KM2ME6
Do you want open or closed back headphones? I'm assuming open since you're using them at home for gaming.
The Philips SHP9500S off Newegg paired with a V-MODA boom pro is a great value buy that stays under budget.
Sennheiser HD598/HD558 with a boom mic would be a good buy if you can find a decent price for them. The HD558 may be only $70-80 at Bestbuy still but haven't changed.
The problem with India is every Indian request I've seen always say they aren't able to buy our standard recommendations such as the Philips SHP9500S or Status CB-1(both of which pair with a V-MODA boom pro for the mic) or Sennheiser HD558 which pairs with this boom mic which is also sold on eBay for worldwide shipping.
If none of those are sold there, try the HyperX Cloud headsets.
If you can stretch the budget, the Sennheiser HD558/559/598/598C, whichever is cheaper are good picks. Can be attached with a boom mic like the Ketdirect one (think there are sellers on Amazon and eBay).
M40x is more neutral than the v shaped M50x in sound signature. They're both going to be compatible with this mic. It's not as nice as the V-MODA boom pros but it works since I dislike the extra cable of the modmic.
No where near as comfortable as the SHP9500 but far less grainy and there's a lot more bass than them obviously. I really hate comparing open vs closed because they're too different from each other.
I think the M50x is kinda a mess considering how much they cost. Might as well look at the Status CB-1 if you're looking for something more fun than the M40x.
ATH M40x is great for the price, if you wanted a mic add in something like this. However note they don't have that great a soundstage so you may want to buy an open headphone in the future for home use like the SHP9500S.
You have a few options. I'm assuming closed headphones since you seem to want to isolate noise. I take no responsbility if your wife murders you for not hearing her. I'll rank them in order of preference.
ATH M40x. Balanced sound with decent soundstage and accurate imaging for gaming. Detachable cable design means they're harder to break(easy to replace cable as well) and they're compatible with this mic if you need a mic without spending the cash and the extra cable for an antlion modmic(pain in the butt). If you dislike the comfort of the pads, the Brainwavz HM5 angled pads are a popular 'mod' for them.
Status Audio CB-1. A bit more bassy and fun sounding for music. Still great for gaming. Better comfort than the ATH M40x. Detachable cables again and compatible with the Vmoda Boom Pro which is one of the best mic choices you can make for your headphone since it's sound quality and build quality is great and you're only dealing with one cable unlike the modmic.
HyperX Cloud II. HyperX just took the Takstar Pro 80 (now discontinued) which was a decent sounding budget headphone, slapped a mic onto it and are selling it rebranded. Gamers love it and that's easily backed up with some quick research online. Only gaming headset that's decent value.
Sennheiser Game Zero. It's quite comfortable and it's decent sounding. Sennheiser figured they'd try the gaming market without all the usual gimmicks. Turns out gaming companies did their research on marketing for what gamers want (7.1, RGB, Wireless, Mixers etc) and these were not it. They sound fine, just kind of overpriced(especially at the original RRP) since Sennheiser sells better value headphones that can be used for gaming like the HD 558 and HD598.
HD 598 sounds like a great choice and you can pair it up with a boom mic which is sold on eBay as well since you're in Europe. You won't need a Fiio E10k unless you're getting electrical interference from your motherboard and you'd most likely be better off saving that money for an upgrade.
Curious but why don't you want much much isolation but still closed back?
Have a look into the Sennheiser HD598C with a boom mic for closed then. Otherwise a Philips SHP9500S or Sennheiser HD558. Can use a V-MODA boom pro with the Philips and the first mic with Sennheiser stuff.
Philips SHP9500S with V-MODA Boom Pro, Sennheiser HD558/598 with generic boom mic, Or Philips Fidelio X2 with V-MODA Boom Pro.
Top recommend open audiophile headphones for a mix of music and gaming.
The X2 are a bit bassier than the others but not what most people coming from cheap headphones as bassy. Fun sound. Best build quality out of the 3 but all 3 will hold up well over time. SHP9500S are a bit bass light but very light and comfortable on your head. Very good value pick since it's like $55. Sennheisers are a little more balanced.
It's in his description. It's supposed to be good quality, as there are some that fit without removing the silver piece but they are usually shit. Currently trying to remove the silver piece now lol,
There is also this that doesn't require modding, idk about the quality though.
It depends on your mic. Assuming your case has separate ports for the mic and headphones unlike most laptops. If that's the case, you can plug your mic directly into the mic port. In some cases like this mic which acts as the cable for the headphone as well or a vmoda boom pro, they come included with an audio mic splitter because without it, it's a single plug that works on laptops and phones that intergrate the two ports together.
I'd recommend sticking to wired headphones, as there is a bit too much delay and lagging when it comes to bluetooth audio for gaming and such.
There are gaming headsets who circumvent this issue through using the 2.4 spectrum but haven't heard one sell that great yet. Maybe something like the HD598C and a compatible mic like this, just plug and play.
It feels like you're only going to be using them in your room which leaves the option of the open back headphones. They don't really isolate much but I think the tradeoff and benefits in soundstage can be worth it. That being said, I have no idea how loud your fridge is. If you're open to the idea of that, the Philips SHP9500S with a Vmoda Boom Pro is about one of the best choices you can make around your budget.
If you really want to have that closed headphones (which also have benefits since closed headphones can be used in public unlike open headphones), then something like the ATH M40X or even Sennheiser 598C are worth looking into. There's plenty about both on this sub or google. They're not compatible with Vmoda boom pro but instead work with something like this.
Hope that helps
HD 598/598C depending if you need open or closed?
Also something like this mic works for the Sennheisers and should be sold on eBay if Amazon won't ship to you.
I've heard a ton of horror stories about Status Audio here on Reddit for build quality and customer service and would stay far away from them.
I think you'd be better off with a M40x with a mic like this.
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Btw the Phillips are compatible but not the Sennheisers. The 598s will need a mic like this which is similar.
Ah okay, take a look at Sennheiser 598C then. They'd be comfortable enough to wear for your long sessions games and sound pretty decent as well as being compatible with removable mics like this one.
Something like a Sennheiser HD598 as I don't think open headphones will be an issue since it doesn't seem like you're using them outside the house. If you can stretch your budget, the Phillips X2 sounds perfect for you.
You shouldn't have your mic picking up much even with open headphones if you're using them correctly. The Phillips X2 is compatible with a vmoda boom pro and the Sennheiser with this mic which isn't as good but does the job I guess.
Which is why I recommended the X2 to begin with. The modding seems doable but finding and adjusting the adaptor can be a hassle and I would rather just buy something like this for the Sennheisers. Not as good quality as the vmodas but not bad either and I like not having to deal with extra cables unlike the modmic.
But yeah, no to the SHP9500 since you mentioned you wanted bass.
There's not enough noise in my room or surroundings to warrant a closed headphone. I also like open headphones because I can hear someone knocking on my door or my partner shouting for help. Open headphones doesn't break immersion for me. So I'd go with the Game Ones. They also aren't too bad at their current discounted Amazon price although I've heard they're just HD558 which are selling for $70 on Bestbuy. Could use this mic on them which just makes them a gaming headset as well without any extra wires.
I'd say the HD558 since the HyperX CloudII is a rebranded $40 audiophile headphone with a mic attached.
This mic work similar to the vmoda boom pro and are cheaper and more convenient than the mod mic.
This solves all your issues.
Make sure not to buy random cables for the ATH M40X, it features a proprietary 2,5mm bayonet locking mechanism at the earcup.
For anyone with Sennheiser or Audio Technica headphones, with the twist lock mechanism.
I have it myself. Its actually pretty good, which is surprising for the price. No complaints!
Here is a mic that can connect to any 2.5mm jack including the 598's. I personally use this mic on my HD598 Cs's. The quality sounds great aside from it not being noise cancelling as it picks up anything in the surrounding area. https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Universal-Sennheiser-Audio-Technica-Headphone/dp/B01IRCXC9S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482728392&sr=8-1&keywords=ketdirect
Aesthetic is important for some people, especially public use. That being said there is no reason why you can't buy a M40x like u/cgfong7000 suggested. Since they have detachable cables, there is no reason why you can't have them with these when gaming and the default cables or even buy nice braided onces when out.
Yeah, and that's where I draw the line lol. Somebody messaged me this product here which would solve the mic issue but I can't find any websites in canada that sells it for a decent price.
Looking for something I can throw the inline boom mic onto. I was looking into the DT770 250 Ohm as well, but it does not have a detachable cable.
sent the wrong mic for the hd 558, the right one is this
They seem to be just as good as the mod mic 4 which i have and is great.
This mic on amazon seems like a good option if you don't want to shell out for the modmic nor mod your cans. I can't speak on the quality of the mic (I use a modmic) but it's likely a better solution than the inline cable mics on ebay.
~~On another note, I hope you are using some kind of amp for the Xbox as connecting directly to the controller will have a low volume output, not to mention poor quality~~
I would recommend open back headphones for home use. Open back headphones that leak sound out won't leak enough sound to disturb people in a room next to you. If you want an idea of how much leak there is, a regular closed back headphone on normal volume on a desk is about how much sound is directed out which means people in the same room can hear a little.
This is about how much I paid to import in my SH9500 off Amazon a while back (around $120 AUD total at the time). Compatible with a V-MODA Boom Pro.
There are some Sennheiser HD558 on eBay sometimes for decent prices. Compatible with a boom mic such as this (think it's sold on eBay as well).
All that might seem really complicated and it might just be easier to buy something like the HyperX Cloud series of headphones which would get the job done well and aren't too bad for a gaming headset.
Hey i found that maybe this can do the trick: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IRCXC9S/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1WX99CUWC7VPZ&psc=1 Anyone can confirm?
In that case check out /r/headphones's Super Headphone Assistant Mk-II. Look for headphones that suit your needs and use standard removable cables.
The ATH-M40x plus this mic or BoomPro + Adapter Mod, might suit your needs.
You were close. This alternative has the correct jack size for the 598.
What this guy said, 598s but don't get a modmic, get this - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IRCXC9S
Or if you'd rather not have the mic separate from your headset, you can just get this which worked great with my HD 598.
You can also use this cable to add a microphone to it and be set for life.
10/10 combo.
Here's what I would do. Buy something like a Sennheiser HD598 or Philips Fidelio X2. There are plenty of both free and paid surround sound software. If that ends up being insufficient, they go and buy the GSX1000 as well.
If you need mics, the Sennheisers are compatible with this, and the Philips with this. Both are just plug and play so just like a gaming headset.
HD558 with the foam mod should be pretty comparable to the 598. Can get the boom mic for them.
Sennheiser HD558 and you can do an easy foam mod to them if you wish. Pair it with this mic rather than something like an Antlion modmic to save some money and the hassle of an extra cable.
Sometimes requests can get buried as you can see, we field a lot of them daily. Thanks for your patience.
I got this for the holidays, and as someone new to the audiophile scene, they seem like a good start, especially if you need closed-back phones (I do for work and for when my partner's doing work at home). There are issues with the cable however. If you want to use it with a computer and a typical 3.5 jack, you need to buy a new cable. I use the cable that came with this mic since it has a splitter. I've been having trouble finding a 3.5mm only jack without a mic jack, but I'm gonna try this one out. Though by being picky about cables, the silver lining is it does teach you about some basic audio knowledge, like different sizes and the difference between TRS and TRRS (which is what's been my problem).
Return the vmoda boompro and get https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Universal-Sennheiser-Audio-Technica-Headphone/dp/B01IRCXC9S
Return the vmoda boompro and get https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Universal-Sennheiser-Audio-Technica-Headphone/dp/B01IRCXC9S
Then this mic would be what you would want to look at in place of the V-Moda BoomPro.
I use this with my 598s and I highly recommend it. Good mic and you just need the 1 cable.
You could try this https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Universal-Sennheiser-Audio-Technica-Headphone/dp/B01IRCXC9S It seems like there's no way to connect the original boompro to the ath-m50x
Sennheiser HD598 are good to look into. If you need a mic for them, something like this works since they're not compatible with the V-MODA Boom Pros.
Sennheiser 558/598 open with a mic like this is what I would recommend.
SHP9500S with a vmoda boom pro or perhaps a Sennheiser HD598 with a mic like this.
Would the ATH M40x and this mic break your budget?
Boom mic here: https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Universal-Sennheiser-Audio-Technica-Headphone/dp/B01IRCXC9S
Not sure how good it is. I have my 598 modded so I can use a vmoda boom pro.
ATH- M40x with this mic.
Aren't red switches pretty quiet? That being said my yeti mic use to pick up on my brown switches.
These work for the 598s, direct plug and play.
These work with the 598
If you want boom mic. I heard good things about this one.
whoops meant to send this one
Indeed they aren't compatible :-P - I'm going to test them out for a bit and then either return the V-MODA and get this guy or just get an adapter. - It's good to hear you think they'll fit well on a small dome. :-)
Hm, in case they for some reason don't fit though, do you have any other headphone suggestions for the same price range or is this? EDIT: How about these? Appears to be a good sale atm. I'd return the V-Moda for the mic I linked above.