I'm vegan now for 6 years and was vegetarian for 10 years before that. At the start I felt like I knew every veggie in the country, nobody knew what the word even meant and I couldn't eat out at all. When my mother heard she offered me pork chops (and I'm not sure she fully understands what it is now even - although she loves a lot of vegan food and always asks to go back to the restaurants). My friends parents put prawns on a pizza for me?? It's a world of difference now, Ireland has the highest percent of restaurants with a vegan option, and there are new vegans all over the place. I'd say it's higher than that 2018 figure now. Even just yesterday I had a friend message me on facebook for tips on how to stop eating meat.
I got started by growing up on farms being from rural Ireland, I worked in a dairy. I was in the fields with the cows every day when I was young. When one would spot me they would let out a signal sound and the rest would come running from other fields, follow me around as I would just be going for a walk or collecting mushrooms to eat for the family. They were like big goofy dogs, with their own personalities and tbh were quite lovely. I was a kid when I realised what was happening to them and I really did not like it. At the end of the day, they were being taken away to be killed or they'd be pretty upset about calves being taken and all that jazz and it just didn't sit well with me at all.
At the same time eating meat was all I ever knew, I barely ate any veg - hated them and was known for the sheer amount of steak I'd eat. So I didn't become vegetarian until I had moved away for college and cooked for myself. HATED all veg and slowly learned to love them and how bad my mother was at cooking them haha. These days there is vegan Ben & Jerry's, a million burgers, Denny sausages you name it.
As for people mocking me or making fun of me, yeah that happens but I don't take myself seriously and like a laugh so it never really bothered me. I've always done a lot of things like sports, gym, climbing, have a good job, don't look half bad and am able to have a respectful and intelligent conversation about this stuff so people are more kinda surprised that I'm not the stereotype they would think of. These days the making fun of thing happens a lot less too. More people are also into it for health, the environment and it's just kinda not unusual to a lot of people now.
For tips I think the main thing is to not take on too much or feel like you have to do it all at once or be perfect, or really have any expectations like that, because then it can seem hard or you can feel like oh I can't do this etc. If I had to recommend a cook book it would be Bosh https://www.amazon.co.uk/BOSH-Recipes-Amazing-Fastest-Selling-Cookbook/dp/000826290X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=bosh&qid=1595965912&sr=8-1 I think, but I don't really use books as I find I just leave them in the shelf haha. I also lent this veganuary book to 4 people and they are all vegan now https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1473680964/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=veganuary-21&camp=1634&creative=6738&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=1473680964&linkId=ab9b2a80334816c75e5f7c56c177cdf1
I like the minimalist baker website https://minimalistbaker.com/ or their instagram, or maybe the 5 minute dinner series by the happy pear if you aren't annoyed by them https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb98DDyoMyQramTMRAfiRryuZmN0mtqOS
I also just started a vegan product page with a friend for people trying to find stuff https://www.instagram.com/veganfood.ie/
Oh I also love this short documentary about a farmer giving away his herd and going vegan, their struggles etc. https://vimeo.com/293352305
I definitely recommend this book! https://www.amazon.co.uk/BOSH-Recipes-Amazing-Fastest-Selling-Cookbook/dp/000826290X it’s a vegan book but I just substitute the vegan cheese with vegetarian cheese etc
Bosh! Do some amazing cookbooks, and they're reduced on Amazon at the moment.
Possibly Bosh? Do you remember if the cookbook was diet-specific, or just general?
Try Bosh! it's fun and not to difficult.