What do you wash your beard with? And how often? It could be an infected hair follicle from maybe working out and not showering immediately after ( I have had this happen since I will plan errands after my workout since I'm already out). Typical treatment would be an antimicrobial shampoo to help if there is alot and it's bothersome.
Is this the first time you have seen this? Are there more than these two?
The best advice I could give right now is keep ur hygiene up and regular, and look into beard care products like oils that also provide benefit for the skin underneath.
My go to oil is this
Botanical Skin Works Natural Man Bay Lime Beard Oil, All Natural Beard Conditioner, 4 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0062K33CE/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_52.PDbSPH1H3P
Beard Oil. I like the one linked, because the smell is all consuming and addictive. But it really keeps your bear soft.
I just buy the cheap shit off Amazon for now cause I'm so busy with school and stuff. Once I graduate I'll make it myself.
Every morning.
It smells amazing, it's cheap, 4oz will last you awhile, and my beard is soft as fuck without being greasy.
New to beards, but I immediately experienced nice results with Natural Man Beard Oil - Bay Lime. I love the smell, it softened my young beard, and it alleviated itching within a couple days of using it.
I found it on Amazon for $15 for 4 oz. I'm sure there are better ones out there, but this is bargain compared to the rest. Maybe you'll find something you like more eventually, but Bay Lime is not a bad place to start. Frankly, I'm tempted to put it on about 5x a day because it smells and feels so good, but I only do it once in the morning after showering.
Any regular old shampoo and conditioner works, but for oil I use this:
A bottle lasts me about a year, plus free shipping with Amazon Prime.
This is the one I use. Smells great, and I never have dandruff when I use it - which is about once a week.
Can't recommend enough!
I use this stuff It's nice, smells just a little bit citrusy, and keeps my beard soft.