I can second that that set has nice big easy to grip handles, and you can usually find it a few dollars cheaper at walmart (at least in mine its 23 and some change) I ended up passing mine on as I prefer inline heads but other than a minor issue with one of the handles slipping off (which I mostly blame on me being rough on things like that and a few drops of superglu fixed right up) they served my poor abused wrists well for a year.
if something slightly larger is needed this guy works well for a older lady I know and can be used with susan bates hooks too, though they are slightly shorter so leave less working space at the end.
I haven't tried any splints or braces yet, but I recently bought a hook handle that is such a game changer! It's interchangable for most of the hooks you would use the most often, and it just makes it so much easier to hold rather than needing a death grip.
Looks like this
You could try to use this crochet handle with it? It slowed down my crocheting slightly but, it helps with my carpal tunnel. It could protect it so it doesn't break.
These are my favorite crochet hooks! I use them with this ergonomic handle https://smile.amazon.com/Boye-Crochet-Ergonomic-Aluminum-3421001/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=sr_1_11?crid=1BHQQUN0JAF6S&keywords=boyle+ergonomic+crochet+hooks&qid=1670201343&sprefix=Boyle+ergo%2Caps%2C354&sr=8-11
I love my ergonomic hooks! I just have the cheap ones from Walmart, but I couldn’t do without them. There’s a cheap handle on Amazon that attaches to your current hooks, so if you want to try it out for cheap before investing in something more expensive I’ve included the link.
Boye 3421001001M Ergonomic Crochet Hook Handle4.5'', 4.5'', Purple, Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_F31SCWDVVYFN1Y7XWG24
This is pretty similar to what I have. I will stress again that it's frustrating to learn at first because it feels so different, but it was worth it for me. The hooks with smaller pads just didn't cut it.
Since you are only experiencing this pain while crocheting I would try experimenting with different hooks, and methods of holding your hook which it’s easy to look up videos on YouTube. I swapped to ergonomic hooks a couple of years ago and it made a world of difference. Cheap and easy try:
Boye 3421001001M Ergonomic Crochet Hook Handle4.5'', 4.5'', Purple, Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_J2DWM77AM3QD6K6K0QNH
But of course after experimenting with hooks and holds, if you are still experiencing pain I would definitely get it checked out.
I've always used Susan Bates aluminum hooks without any problems, but a couple of days ago someone linked this Boye Ergonomic Crochet Hook Handle which you could try using if you're not sure about investing in more expensive ergonomic hooks.
Thank you 😁 I got the ergonomic handle because my hands were going numb while i slept. It's probably been about 8 months since I started using it and i have to say, my hands haven't fallen asleep in a while.
This is what i have: Boye 3421001001M Ergonomic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I have these metal hooks and the silicone handled ones, and I really like using my metal hooks with this handle for any project with tight tension, it is super comfy.
Perhaps you should consider getting something like this Boye crochet hook handle because it will give your fingers breathing room. There are also other smaller rubber handle pieces (cushion grips) you can add to your hooks to make them more ergonomic. These are helpful to try before investing in ready-made ergonomic hook sets.
Oh I've an entire set of the ergonomic, cushion-y handled ones, but my body hates me & likes to make sure I'm aware often. I also found this in a box of miscellaneous crochet & knitting junk at a wholesale warehouse near me. Not something they get in often, so I made out like a bandit with half the box (like a cardboard file box with a lid) & 3 full skeins of blanket yarn for 8$ haha.
I think building up my collection was half the fun of my hobby too, but now that everything is collecting dust my husband isn't happy with me adding to it since I'm not actually using it up & we moved into a much smaller place.
There are these type of ergonomic hooks that help too.
I don't have RA but my hands hurt a lot (i think its just regular Arthritis). I swear by this thing
Have you looked into getting an ergonomic hook? I have this one and it works great!
If she already has plain aluminum Boye hooks, I use this thing to make them more ergonomic. It looks silly but it completely stopped the hand and wrist cramps I used to get if I crocheted for too long.
What do you like to do? Do you like sport, music, exploring, cooking, fashion, art? What are your interests and level of physical limitations? What is your budget? There are honestly so many hobbies you can do out there with only a little thought on how to adapt them.
You mentioned craft. Honestly I've found with most crafts, you pick the one you like and there will be some way to adapt it. Lots of old ladies like crafts, and lots of old ladies have arthritis in their hands, so there are adaptations made for them which you can use with other disabilities. Would you be interested in knitting, or crochet? There are some great grippy gloves, widened hooks/needles, hand supports that can help with reduced motor skills. I used to crochet and used this which was an amazing help. If you use a larger hook and wool (not gigantic) that makes it easier too.
I use the Clover Soft Touch hooks which are certainly better on my fingers than ones without grips, especially since they are so light. The difference isn't that big though for my wrists. If you also hold your hook with a death grip like me, they make really big grips like this that help a lot. You can also make your own by wrapping something around the handle (I used an Ace bandage lol). Another thing that helped me was learning to use my nondominant hand to do more of the work. I use my nondominant hand to yarn over and only use my hook hand to push or pull the hook. Saves my wrist from having to move too much.
I have the exact same problem with my pinky, too. Have you seen the Boye ergonomic hook holder? That's what I use and it works WONDERS! Here is the amazon link so you can see what I am talking about (http://www.amazon.com/Boye-Ergonomic-Aluminum-Crochet-Handle/dp/B004ALF72G), but they are cheaper at Michaels/Hobby Lobby especially with a coupon. You just put that little collar on the hook and pop it in the holder. The outside is comfy and rubberized. It holds B-K hooks. Above a K hook I don't have as much pinky cramping anyway.
I have Clover Amour hooks and love them. I put the individual hooks and the set on my Amazon wishlist and bought them whenever they went on sale or became an add on item. Eventually, the set went 50% off and I bought the set and I have some doubles of sizes.
If your hands do hurt, but you have metal hooks, you could try something like these:
Option one
Option two
Option three
I didn't know that you could easily add these to your metal hooks! There are more than these three but it's interesting what comes up from a search, "crochet hook handles".
I've seen really giant hooks at craft stores made out of bamboo. Lightweight, but maybe less prone to snapping than plastic.
I've never owned a plastic hook. All of mine are metal, and the largest one I have is a 9mm Susan Bates hook that came in a set. I'm very satisfied with it!
What is it exactly about the cheap hooks that hurt your fingers? Is it because they're too thin? If that's the case, there are some DIY fixes you can do to attach an ergonomic handle to it. Some people put those soft pen/pencil grips around their hooks. Or they'll wrap their hooks in those soft squishy shelf liner mats. There are also ergonomic handles you can buy that will multiple hooks, like this one. You can also use polymer clay to design your own handle. I think I've also seen people wrap masking tape around the handle area of thin hooks to make it wider and easier to grip.
Lastly, aside from Amazon and eBay, I know some small businesses sell handmade hooks from wood. They may be carry large sizes, and this might be an alternative to buying plastic ones.
A lot of people use the Clover Soft Touch or Amour and love them. I personally have never used either kind, but I would like to try to Amour out. I use this handle with my regular aluminum hooks and I love it. It really helps with my carpal tunnel issues.
My mum has the same problem so I got her this ergonomic handle you can use with standard crochet hooks
You might try the Boye Ergonomic Handle. It fits crochet hooks sized B to K. There are these Susan Bates Comfort Cushions but I think they’re a little over priced.
Boye has something like this, that works for hooks 2mm to 6.5mm. I have never tried it though.
I hope you feel better soon. One of these might help you.
Boye 3421001001 Ergonomic Aluminium Crochet Handle - Multicolour https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_N0X0QFPD02YCYDVTA8K1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
For what it's worth, ergonomic crochet hook handles do exist that you can just add to your existing hook.
Boye 3421001001M Ergonomic Crochet Hook Handle4.5'', 4.5'', Purple, Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_30G5M0BS5Q381Y1CV3AD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 This one?
I thought you were stitching up a snazzy cricket sweater style. I think they have a very classy look that pairs well with anything from jeans to pearls.
For the hand pain (and I feel you here): try searching for “adaptive crochet hook” or “adaptive crochet grip” or even pencil grips. These are tools that are big in the EDS and arthritic fiber arts community. A trick I use is to give up on regular hooks and use the susan bates wooden handle ones from the start. Their handle is fatter than regular and so it often postpones the inevitable hand pain until I’m about done with my hooking session anyway.
If I remember the correct post it looked similar to the boye ergonomic handle
Boye 3421001001M Ergonomic Crochet Hook Handle4.5'', 4.5'', Purple, Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_BR5783496GBP7EG5JNW4
This works with the hooks you already have!
Its $8 now, but SO worth it
You might like something like this. It’s a plastic ergonomic handle for regular aluminum hooks with little adaptors to fit multiple sizes.
I like this because it works for multiple sizes.
Boye ergonomic hook handle, less than $8 US:
If you have a knife style grip when crocheting boye make a handle to add to your normal hooks, doesn't work so well with a pencil grip random amazon link from google
This is one of my most prized possessions, and it's like 8 bucks or something
I crochet... Too much. This was a lifesaver.
And by life I mean hand and shoulder.
I found this ergonomic handle that I love!! Added bonus, I lose less hooks this way.
This might not help support your wrist and the damage already there, but it may offload the stress.
This is a ergonomic crochet handle
I just got one yesterday to try. I just picked up crocheting again. Then can you believe after a few small projects, I pinched a nerve! It was a zinger, along the fleshy part between them and forefinger. I haven't crocheted in over a month to let it heal (it is better but still numb along the skin) and I decided to try this instead of pinching a thin hook.
Boye Crochet Dude Ergonomic Aluminum Crochet Handle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_kG-mBb78MFBEF
I'd recommend looking into the Crochet Dude Ergonomic Handle. It fits around your existing aluminum hooks, and you can swap them out as you please.
I have one of these I use with my smaller hooks Boye Crochet Dude Ergonomic Aluminum Crochet Handle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awd_x_heW8xb0S8P3AM
I swear by this grip. It has eliminated my sore hand issues completely. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALF72G/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_HiDMxbSCYCXW4
I have the handle that holds my aluminum hooks. http://www.amazon.com/Boye-Ergonomic-Aluminum-Crochet-Handle/dp/B004ALF72G