Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor FDA Cleared Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body Face Corded, Gold/White, 1 Count(Packaging May Vary)
I bought an older verison of a Braun Silk Expert. I really like it. It fluctuates Hella in price though. It was like $150 when I bough it. I have a couple friends that bought some no name brands in Amazon for like $99 and they all seem to be the same. Hope it helps! Here's a link to the (overpriced) new model of what I bought.
It’s quite expensive but worth the money. Been using since May and it worked wonders for me. Don’t need to shave, wax or do anything at all for weeks and the hair doesn’t grow anymore in most places anyway.
The link someone posted is the premium product Braun is pushing that comes with a storage pouch, extra head attachments, and a razor. If you’re comfortable buying on Amazon they have this one that’s cheaper at $350!
You can get decent at-home IPL hair removal devices for a couple hundred dollars now! I have one by Braun and it's well worth it if you can fit it in your budget. It's done a bang-up job on my stupid dark chin hairs that are just being jerks and hanging out for no reason. Bonus is that it's great for body hair too. :)
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women...
It's pricey, but I asked for it for Christmas. Also, it beats having to buy shaving tools and then a million creams and lotions to deal with the damage that shaving causes.
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women and Men, Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor, FDA Cleared, Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body & Face, Corded (Packaging May Vary)
I got it a year ago and my facial and body hair is slower growing, much much finer and the dark chin hairs are completely gone (weirdly replaced with coarse blonde hair but I'll take that any day!)
For everyone looking for a machine, I use this for my body hair. It’s only been 4 weeks so far (1 sessions per week) and I’m seeing results already. I have black hair and density is rather low for a trans woman in most areas.
At home IPL/Lasers are not intended for face hairs of transwomen usually, because of the higher density and thickness, cis women do not have the same hair type on face. I think their intensity ends up being somewhere in the range that would just cause discomfort and not cause any real damage to the hair.
For everyone looking for a machine, I use this for my body hair. It’s only been 4 weeks so far (1 sessions per week) and I’m seeing results already. I have black hair and density is rather low for a trans woman in most areas.
In case anyone reading this thread is curious and too cheap to go have professionals do it, I bought the Braun at-home IPL device and it is amazing. I previously had thick dark hair on light skin and it has removed like 95% of unwanted hair (legs, underarms, bikini) and I’m still using it. For the price and with my hair/skin combo it’s amazing. 10/10 recommend.
Linked to Amazon in case you care about reviews but you can buy from places like bed bath and beyond with one of those dank coupons.
I have this laser device and I have found it to be decent. I had hair everywhere and it has reduced a ton of it. It may be able to work with you.
Unfortunately, my pubic area is a bit too dark, so I have to go to a place that does it. And I have to admit, it does hurt especially when they hit the skin right above the pubic bone. But other areas below and the butt aren't really that bad.
It’s the same process as salon! It’s just a device and you press a button to get flashes of laser. This is the one I personally have: Braun IPL (Amazon)
You do it weekly after you shave.
I've been using the Braun IPL at-home device, and have had GREAT results over just six weeks. It's not cheap upfront, but is definitely cheaper than a full course of in-clinic laser. I use it on my legs, underarms, and bikini line too and am amazed at how well it as worked! I'm afraid to use it on my face, so still doing professional sessions there, but for body hair, this has saved me so much time and money.
I was just talking to a coworker who was raving about this
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women and Men, Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor, FDA Cleared, Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body & Face, Corded
Laser is definitely the way to go, but blonde hair makes it tricky. That being said, you could try this: Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women...
Basically, at home laser, and yes, it does work, on non blonde hair anyway. Costs the same as a single appointment except you can use it whenever. The instructions say to use it only once per week but I've definitely done more. There's a very slight pinch, which I interpret as "bye hair!" I used to shave my chest 3x/week, now I can go quite a while. I haven't finished yet, still working on the stragglers, but smoooooth. I use it basically everywhere, and it was super effective on my bikini area. Prolly not quite as good as a professional, but it hasn't been ineffective.
So I've removed hair from my arm, legs, and chest with different methods. I've tried waxing, epilating, shaving etc.
The one thing I will suggest when it comes to getting those darker hairs removed is a handheld IPL laser. This thing is game changer. It has removed about 95% of the hair from my arms and legs, and about 75% of the hair from my chest.
Yes, it is a bit pricy, but it is worth it. I can go weeks feeling smooth still and not having to deal with shaving. You are supposed to do it every week for 12 weeks and then go from there.
I would recommend buying a pair of UV glasses as well just to protect your eyes. Also, it won't work as well if you have darker skin unfortunately. SO keep that in mind.
Me and my girlfriend are using this she got really good results her skin color is similar to yours and hair color as well, as i am on darker side its not as effective on me Laser Works good with light skin and darker hair We got two of these
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor FDA Cleared Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body Face Corded, Gold/White, 1 Count(Packaging May Vary)
Has anyone here tried an IPL (intense pulsed light) hair removal system? I’ve only started shaving body recently and already tired of spending 30+ min. Two-three times a week with my electric razor… considering buying this one: 🙀
I have the Braun Silk Epil 5 and am very happy with it. Sometimes it doesn’t recognize my skin and won’t flash but I’m pretty sure the Phillips Lumea uses the exact same sensor. Other than that quirk it is very quick between flashes and has done a good job reducing my body hair.
First of all, hi! I'm really sorry all other subs keep deleting your post. I hope I can give you a few answers to your questions. I'm not sure what specifies as "knowing things females should know", the things you asked about (to me) just seem like things you can learn regardless of your gender. I also recommend googling these things, usually these sorts of questions have been asked and answered thoroughly before!
• If just the inside of your thighs is dark and the rest has a lighter colour, you might want to try going to a dermatologist, if scrubs don't help. They can prescribe you things that will help.
• Mostly it's self-confidence, though I find my hair looks better after I washed it, personally. You might also want to try applying hair spray.
• I feel you there, maybe you could ask someone for help? If not, try shaving in front of a mirror. I wouldn't recommend waxing as an alternative, as it's not good for your skin in the long run and you'll probably get in-grown hair from it.
• That's very normal. We're used to seeing shaved women in all the media and have this weird perception that women should be hairless. That's not the case. Most women naturally have hair on their body, a lot of it even. If it makes you uncomfortable, though, and you'd like to get rid of it indefinitely, you might want to try using this or similar products. And yes, random boob-hair is a normal thing (even if very annoying...).
Id like to add that we're all in this together, so don't worry about things like messy buns or the hair you're growing too much :) At the end of the day, most people won't notice these things, only you will.
I bought the Braun Silk Expert Pro 5 from Amazon:
They are a bit pricey, but for me it was worth it to be able to do it myself at home and I think because I basically did all the hair on my body below my eyebrows (LOL), it was well-worth the price. Like I said - life changing!! It does take a couple months to see real results with once weekly applications, so I think some people give up on it too soon, but it worked wonders for me!
Here is a link to the exact model
I bought one of these but had mixed results so far. I'm still quite patchy, and without significant improvements. Did you see a specialist? I don't really have the money, but it might be the solution I need.
I bought the at-home laser remover and it was a great investment! I got the BRAUN off of Amazon and use it weekly. My hair growth is down a lot and the skin doesn't have as many red marks. I have very sensitive skin and am pale with dark hair. It has done a wonder on all three "regions" When I remember I also use HoneyMoon Glow at bedtime (it's very sticky) to chemically exfoliate my legs. No more red ashy looking legs from too much shaving. I did try the braun epilator thing as well but it takes forever and doesn't do a great job - the laser is a way better investment if you have the $$.
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women...
Same for me on the shaving. It sucks and the results aren't great.
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women...
Here's the one I bought:
Used it today for the first time and really loved it. It has 2 sizes of laser heads and can rapidly re-fire. I completed my legs and lower arms in less than 10 min. It's only once a week vs 3 times a week for cheaper devices.
I had previously purchased a $70 device from Amazon and returned it after 1 session. The Braun is sooo much better, although it's too soon to know about hair removal results.
The weird part? I could smell my hair burning! That's promising to me! Haha.
I want to be smooth like a dolphin. lol
I got an at-home laser hair tool for about $300 on Amazon. I use it pretty frequently on my face, armpits, and stomach, and I've noticed a huge difference. I used to pluck my face and shave my stomach almost every day. I don't know if it's the same quality as professional treatments, but I will say that it's been really, really helpful for me. Now I just need to make time to do my legs, it takes forever but I know it'll be worth it!
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor FDA Cleared Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body Face Corded, Gold/White, 1 Count(Packaging May Vary)
Braun Epilator Silk-épil 9 9-720, Hair Removal for Women, Wet & Dry, Womens Shaver & Trimmer, Cordless, Rechargeable
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Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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It's this one
Moustache twins! I know exactly the problem you're talking about. Even when you've removed the hair, the shadow is there. I find that it's 50% 5 o'clock shadow, and 50% bruising/hyperpigmentation from so many years of brutalizing that area of skin via threading and/or waxing.
I've been using my Braun IPL device that my boyfriend bought for me for Christmas. It's very well-suited to South Asian skin tone according to many reviews (I'm South Asian) and I find that it's working for me (knock on wood!) It definitely is reducing the main source of the issue - the hair itself.
However, there is still a slight shadow left and that's just the pigmentation as a result of hair removal over years. For this, I strongly recommend products that tackle hyperpigmentation. The most effective products I've found include alpha arbutin, tamanu oil, and a Vitamin C + E + Ferulic combination (Skinceuticalsmakes the best one, Timelessmakes a nearly-as-good significantly cheaper dupe).
If your skin is light and your arm hair is dark, I highly recommend home IPL. I have the one by Braun and it actually works.
Laser Hair Removal!!! It's done wonders for my hair growth. I still grow tons of hair but it doesn't grow in that fast.
Can I recommend you a product? If you don't want to go to a clinic to laser your body, there's an at-home IPL (type of laser hair removal) machine. I have this machine at home and it works great. For my face, I usually go to the clinic because I just want to be safer lol and I'm paranoid.