> What do I do if they won't?
I'm going to assume their position is based on a lack of knowledge of the illness. Would they be willing to do some reading? Here's a terrific book about a mother and daughter who use a Maudsley-based approach. You might want to read it first.
> I'm considering sitting down with her and telling her I love her, and that I'll always be there when she need me.
Do this. I think if more siblings did this for one another, the world would be a much better place.
Thanks for the kind words.
I would heartily reccomend that you educate yourself on metabolic damage.
The best source I've found on this, bar none, has been Matt Stone from 180degree health.
I was on board with you the first couple of times we went through recovery. Up those calories slowly and let your body acclimate.
The problem is that your body won't fix metabolic damage like that.
Here are a couple of articles that you will, undoubtedly find difficult, but have been instrumental in helping my wife overcome her ED:
I need how many calories ?!?!?
Additionally, the #1 thing you can do is find support. Your chances of successful recovery without significant repalse are over 1000% better (not made up) with stable support. I understand that it's terribly frightening and difficult to talk with friends or family about this, but you really could use someone in your corner. Someone who can help you differentiate between the times the ED is talking to you and when you're actually talking to yourself.
I'm that for my wife and I can tell you that I really didn't truly understand or appreciate what she was going through until I read Brave Girl Eating by harriet brown. I understand you're a university student and money may be tight, so if you want a copy and can't afford one, PM me and my wife and I will be happy to send you a copy :)
I'm not going to post how many calories my wife had to consume publically because I think she frequents this sub (and I'm not going to post what she eats NOW, after reversing metabolic damage), but feel free to PM me for details about her recovery process, what we went through, pitfalls we experienced, and anything else you'd like to know.
Also, the single best thing you can do for yourself today is to throw away your scales. Any and all of them, body weight scale, food scale, the works. There is nothing that is so destructively triggering as someone with an ED looking at numbers on a scale. Remember, those numbers are meaningless. If they made a scale that read "Healthy" instead of having 3 digits, I'd be all for it. But until then, chuck them!