"Let HER go. Have some self respect dude. Giving HER "your heart"? SHE will give you nothing back but a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek. Block HER. Heal. Then find a girl who is decent and won't use you as an emotional tampon. Why wouldn't she fuck you anyway? You are already giving her the bf experience without sex. She cannot be that great of a girl if she is ok accepting all your attention/emotional support knowing full well she is using you"
In the same way a woman doesn't owe a guy sex because he's emotionally intimate with her, a man does not owe a woman love because she is sexually intimate with him. OP is blinded by love which sucks, buy doesn't make anyone the bad guy. Especially when he's been honest.
But I agree that OP has to find Self Respect
Sometimes it's not you. 9/10 the Hollywood pursuit of love doesn't work out IRL. Others have told you to stop. I suggest the same. But it's always hard because we want to believe our dreams are realistic. Idk if you read often but check this out